August 26, 2012

Progress + Chocolate + PB = excited me!

My body fat is down about 3% in 2 WEEKS! WOOOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!
(In case you're confused as to what I'm doing read this blog first )
Can you tell I am excited?
I ONLY lost 1.5lbs from the SCALE but i lost 4lbs of fat! yes FAT loss is what i want NOT total body weight loss.
Check out this picture and you will understand why....

SEE!? Muscle LOOKS smaller than fat AND it burns more calories at rest than fat does. Do i need to keep trying to convince you to go perform some type of resistance training? If so here are some more reasons that lifting weights is better in the long run than just cardio:

1. Improving everyday performance in life (like carrying groceries and playing with children.)
2. Builds strong bones (helps against osteoporosis)
3. Helps fight against diseases and illness (like arthritis, diabetes, depression, heart disease and many more)
4. Protects against injuries by keeping your bones, joints, ligaments and muscles strong.
5. Improves balance, muscle control, and posture.

If you are a women with the thinking "but i don't want to get bulky lallenia!" Unless you're taking in obscene amounts of calories and/or steroids while lifting obscene amounts of weights, you WILL NOT get bulky! You will actually become leaner and more "toned." Toned is another word for having muscles on your body. I don't know about you but I like the look and the feeling of strong over weak and skinny.

I am not one that admires the look of Victoria Secret models.... well I used to when I was a teenager but that was before i discovered the strong, capable, and lean muscle look of fitness models. I used to dream about having a body like them. I never thought it was possible. I had such low self esteem and confidence. I didn't think I was ever petty enough, fit enough, smart enough or capable. I always thought i was so broken that no one would want me or like me.

I remember I always had to try to fit in with people in school. I didn't have cool clothing, I didn't know how to do my hair, I always tried to be good at sports but I only had "potential." I always had to work really hard to get anything right. I did not have much home support financially or mentally. I basically was lost and just fighting my way trying to figure out life on my own. Clinging to people and an eating disorder that gave me a sense of  security and acceptance, weather it was false or not I just wanted to feel like I belonged and like I was loved.

What does my little "feel sorry for me" story and strength training/working out have to do with each other? A whole lot!

Even if one didn't come from a background like mine and has the most amazing family in the world there is just something about having the ability to do push ups without being on your knees, being able to pull yourself up without the support of the assistance machine, squatting your body weight, sprinting up a hill without feeling like you can't breathe.... there is just something about feeling physically strong and seeing the definition in your body form that can change your whole out look on life.

Of course to get to be able to do these things didn't happen over night! I had to do thousands of push ups from the wall, then from my knees before I was able to do one from my toes, and pull ups.... I love them but they are so hard I'm lucky to get more than 2 wide grip but i still work to get more. It's taken me 2 years to be able to squat my body weight and sometimes I still struggle with the perfect form. Hill sprints freaking rock!!!! Yet they kick my butt every time! My point is seeing progress in the way your body and mind look, feel, perform and the strength you develop is rewarding in so many ways than just vanity. It has saved my life and my future.

This is my passion and something I will do my best to inspire others to feel and adapt as a habit. I will tell you out of my (almost) 8 years of personal training not ONE person as EVER regretted working out, eating healthier, and feeling stronger than they did the day before. It wont happen over night but if you constantly work at it, you too will reap the benefits of a stronger body and mind. Just make sure you know what you're doing and ALWAYS start off slow and steady at your own pace, don't campare yourself to anyone else.... focus on making YOU better.

Well this wasn't at all what was on the agenda for the blog this evening....haha I get a little passionate at times. Anyways.... 10 1/2 weeks before I step on stage half naked with heels that i don't even know how to walk in yet..... hmm... what am I doing this for again?????? ooooo yaaaaa.... because I made this as a goal 4 years ago and feel like if I don't do it now then I will regret not doing it. AND I really want another baby.... I do!!! Wyatt is getting so big and I am having baby fever. So if i can get this dang goal of mine out the way then I can check it off my bucket list =) Plus, I want to show myself I CAN look like those fitness models....I AM capable and strong enough to endure the diet, the training, and the dang 5 inch high heels. I got this.

I am just now starting to realize this is a competition. A REAL competition. I know I am going to be my best and look my best with the tools I have been given. I understand there is a lot of politics and what not so I am not going to expect a trophy.... but that doesn't mean I'm going to not give it my 110%.

Guess what  I made tonight....
Oh.My. GOSH. only the "dessert" that will keep me from feeling deprived during this whole dieting process..... I can't even tell you how freaking excited i am to share this recipe with you!!!!!! You ready for it????

Chocolate Protein Peanut Butter Mousse
I'm drooling right now thinking  of eating this again..... YUM!

1 cup Fage 0% fat Greek yogurt
1 Scoop chocolate protein powder
1 tablespoon coca powder 
1 tablespoon natural peanut butter (or other nut butter if desired) 
(can cut it all in half if need lower calorie amount)

Mix it all up really well...... ENJOY!!!!! 

Full serving
364 Calories
22g Carbs
10.5g Fat
48.5g Protein

I need to eat 2,000 calories a day so my night time meal can be about 300-400 calories and boy oh boy does this hit the spot!!!!
I tried it last night without the cocoa powder and PB.... wasn't the best thing I've ever made so tonight i needed 100 more calories from fat and protein.... so I added the crunchy PB..... simply delicious!!!!!

Ok folks.... it's WAY past my bed time!!! See I always have so much i want to write but I am silly and try to write before bed so I end up saying screw this and go to bed instead.... When I do write it at night I stay up later than I should.... maybe I will try writing during the day next time =)

-Keep yourself Healthy, Fit & Fabulous-

August 21, 2012

YUMMY "cookie" recipe and Chest workout video!

Ok so I for some reason didn't get this posted last week BUT I did write this last week! I just made this video and AMAZING  recipe I added in here for you so  enjoy! =)

11 weeks away! It seems so far yet SO close!!! 78  days away.... ( it's really 74 days away today)
(In case you're confused as to what I'm doing read this blog first )

It has only been since Monday, August 13th that I have kept my nutrition within a certain amount of Calories, Protein, Fat and Carbs.  (I am to aim for 2,029 calories, 67 grams fat, 190 protein and 167 carbs)
I cannot even begin to tell you the difference i am feeling in my body. It doesn't necessary LOOK different (I don't see it yet) but it FEELS different. I feel stronger and tighter, yes even during that time of the month... because I know you were wondering! ;-) OH before i forget I'm going to get measured this weekend due to girl time last week  we postponed it but yes I WILL post the results =) 

Here's the deal since I am a fitness trainer and have always had self image issues... weird combination right!?!? I pay attention to the small stuff. The difference is... this time it's not the scale I am focusing on, for once it is the way my body feels, looks, how strong i am getting, how food reacts to my body, and how my attitude is.

I am focusing on the positive changes, tracking my progresses in my workouts, nutrition and I have a realistic goal ahead to strive for each week. I understand this is not going to happen over night and I have to work to reach these goals. As I said earlier I may not SEE the changes yet but I know with time they will happen as long as I am consistent and persistent. 

A really good friend called to tell me congrats and how excited she is for me to take on this challenge.  She is so encouraging and refreshing!! She also reminded me about the compound effect.

When I train clients and teach boot camps people are always wanting to get results instantly. If they do not see them within a week or two they get discouraged and quit. What many people do not realize is to get results in fitness and health really is a compound effect.  Compounding means adding things together to get results over time.

 Just like saving money... you cannot save $1,000,000 overnight  (if so PLEASE PLEASE teach me!!!) You have to make deposits each week and watch your bank account grow if you make bigger deposits then you will see it grow faster than if you make smaller deposits..

This applies to your fitness goals... all of them.... to get faster, stronger, lose weight, gain weight, you have to make those small or big changes EVERY SINGLE DAY that will help you reach your goals in order to make changes. If you want to see results faster than you need to be willing to work a little harder, change habits and lifestyles faster also. If you just want to be healthy then start with the little changes first like logging your food and walking every day.

I can tell you overcoming my bulimia sure as heck didn't happen over night either and it is something i STILL am learning how to deal with. It's all about making positive and constant changes that have gotten me to where I am now and will help me further my progress even more in my recovery and in my fitness lifestyle.

Right now i struggle with the fact that I FEEL stronger than I ever have but do not see my muscles growing and developing the way I think they should. I have to keep reminding myself this is because I have not been lifting like this CONSISTENTLY for long periods at a time in order for my body to react. Also because i was not feeding my body properly in the past....IT TAKES TIME and the RIGHT FOODS. (and it is ANNOYING!)

So i have an AMAZING  "cookie" recipe I made this weekend... yes it's MINE I made it from my own little brain and it turned out AWESOME! I was so excited!!!!

A GREAT Pre workout or early morning meal with coffee.... YUMMMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chocolate Protein Oatmeal Coconut Cookies
2 ripe bananas mashed until creamy
1/2 cup Crunchy Nut Butter
1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce
4 tblsp unsweetened coconut flakes
1 1/2 cups quaker rolled oatmeal
3 scoops rich chocolate whey protein
2 tsp Vanilla flavoring
2 tblsp cocoa powder

*Optional* (I used these for one recipe but not the other)
1/4 cup chopped nuts
1/4  cups dried fruit of choice
1/4 cup carob chips
stevia to taste if want sweetener

Pre-Heat Oven to 350 degrees
In a large mixing bowl mix the mashed up bananas, unsweetened apple sauce, coconut flakes and nut butter. Then add chocolate protein powder, oats, vanilla flavoring and cocoa powder. Mix until completely combined. Then add optional items if you wish.

Let the dough rest for about 5-10 minutes then using a big spoon, drop spoonfuls onto wax paper. Should have about 12 cookies. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until crisped to your liking. These taste great out of the oven but even better the next day! 

Nutrition facts w/ out optional stuff:
Fat: 7.2g
Protein: 13g
Carbs: 18.1g

AND guess what else i did! I video taped a workout..... for some reason I am weird about posting my workouts but I guess in order to change and become better i need to step out of my comfort zone right? This is a day when I was mainly focusing on my chest. I sped the video up and condensed it because it's annoying watching those videos that take hours besides I know how busy everyone is. Please leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts!

Watching it, I realized boy do I have a lot of work to do still but that's cool because it will be fun to see my progress!!!!
Here ya go!!

Warm up:
Jump Rope 4 min
Band Pull Aparts 50 reps
Overhead squats 20 reps
Spider-mans 20 reps
Push ups with T-rotation

1a. DB Fly w/ 20lbs 3 sets of 6-8
1b. Burpee Push ups 10 reps 5 sets (1st one was warm up)
2a. Bench Press 65lbs 10 reps, 80lbs 10 reps, 95lbs 5 reps, 95lbs 5 reps
2b. DB Seated Curls 20lbs 10 reps 4 sets
3a. Incline DB Bench 35lbs 4-6 reps 3 sets
3b. Standing curved bar curls 35lbs 10 reps 3 sets
3c. Med Ball alt push ups to fail 3 sets (12, 10, 10)
4. Knee Driver Push ups off bench 3 sets to fail (10, 10, 6)

Keep yourself Healthy, Fit, and Fabulous!!

August 15, 2012

Small successes will equal BIG results =)

Tuesday 8-13-12
Workout in the morning!
Preworkout was one of my homemade Protein bars and coffee...yum!!!

Shoulders are my weak point. This is due to surgeries on both of them. Left one when I was in Mississippi playing basketball. I went to catch the ball from a hard throw and my shoulder suffered a partial dislocation which resulted in surgery. Needless to say I stopped playing after that.
 The other was from slipping on a boot campers sweat 2 years ago where my shoulder slipped out in front of me.

You know, I used to feel sorry for myself but then I realized, No way Lallenia! This is a GREAT learning experience for you and especially anyone you train. I strongly believe the reason my shoulders were so weak (besides me breast feeding at the time of one of them which doubled my chances of dislocating it!) is because when I used to lift in High School no one taught me how to lift to strengthen my muscles, tendons and ligaments... it was all just lift as heavy as you can. No one taught me how to lift properly, and how to strengthen stabilizing muscles as well as my major muscles. I will not get too in depth with the muscles but as you can see in this diagram there are many little muscles that need work just like the bigger muscles =)

Shoulder and Arms 
I always start off my workouts with shoulder strengthening exercises.
Scarecrows are one of my favorite to start off with. 3-4 sets of 12 reps (Keep strict form at 90 degree angles in each arm.)
4 sets of 4-8 rep range
Clean and press 55lb x2, 65lbsx2
Upright rows 45lbs, 55lbs, 60lbsx2

Push Presses 45lbs, 55lbs, 60lbs x2
Lateral raises 10lbs x4times

Seated DB curls 20lbs
Triceps kickback 17 1/2lbs

Cable curls 50lbs, 60lbs
Triceps Press downs 60lbs, 70lbs 

Cardio was in the evening with 25min of sprints up my hill by my house =) Growing that booty baby!!! 
But oh man do I miss my running!!! Especially during this weather! Argh... it drives me nuts not to just go for a nice 4-5 mile run with a breeze and fresh fall smells.... I keep telling my self only 11 weeks! Another goal of mine is to run a half marathon so next challenge will be that =) 

I know my workouts aren't very exciting. Many people may be thinking oh she's a trainer I bet shell be doing some cool crazy stuff.... sorry to disappoint! The best way to build muscle and strength is through consistent training, pushing yourself to get stronger each time you lift (with correct form!). Yes, you can do that with crazy exercises also but I am not about to get injured again, my focus is to keep increasing my weights and intensity. You'll see... I'll get great results! =) 

My diet was pretty close to right on again!
I have been obsessed with sauerkraut, sweet potatoes and ground beef... YUMMY!
Seriously myfitnesspal is the BEST!!! (and free!)

Wednesday 8-14-12 
A day that started off on the wrong foot but had ended up making me proud. 

My alarm was set for 3:45am...I pushed snooze. Woke up at 4:45 just in time for boot camp. That won't be happening the closer it gets to Nov. 3rd don't worry! 

I did AMAZING with my nutrition and was craving a PB&J sandwich after my son had one this morning. So i had this along with a protein shake and it turned out to be the perfect little meal as far as fats, carbs, and protein!! I was EXCITED! 
What we have here is a PLAIN rice cake,
ONE tablespoon natural PB,
 ONE tablespoon sugar free preserves. Delish!

 I have been measuring out 2-3 oz of sweet potatoes because i love them so much! Weird I know but i really enjoy them with chunks of meat. I have found if I do a little bit at a time I get to have them 3 times a day opposed to 2 times. As it gets closer and if i am not receiving the results I am aiming for i will change it up to exactly what the meal plan calls for. Rice cakes are another option in place of starch. i really like them  for tuna! Quick, delicious and simple meal preparation, great for school/work. 

Ok so here's where it was rough... i already ate my post workout meal. My husband made a ham and cheese roll up for my son and him after he was off work. Then he had to leave because he had another call. My son asked if i wanted a bite I said no thank you. Then he said "my mommy need one,"... so I took one... then ended up eating the whole thing because he gave it to me.

 I know many of you are thinking and so what? Well, for me, recovering from a binge/purge type eating disorder that's deadly. I am one of those ALL or nothing type personalities, I started freaking out in my head. At that moment my brother walks in with PIE from Village Inn.... REALLY??? how does that work?? Of course he offers me some. I decline but then he leaves and puts it in the fridge.

Here i am stuck on the house with pie in the fridge and already "ruined" my dinner because it wasn't on my plan. At this point I am battling in my head and am nervous. I get up, open the fridge, pull the pie out and grab a fork. Open the container, took a look at the chocolate, caramel slice... and told myself... "you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Since you cannot seem to tell yourself NO or STOP then ask for help. Do this for the people who are cheering you on. Do not sabotage yourself just because you want the taste." 
Not kidding I said ALL those things to myself and put it away. I grabbed some jerky to snack on to keep my mouth busy but not add crazy amounts of calories.

I will tell you even if this seems like such a little accomplishment... it is these little accomplishments that will make the big difference in reaching my goals. Besides the final numbers for the day weren't all that bad. The ham and cheese wrap did not take me on a detour  where I couldn't find my way back.

I was only up 82 calories and my carbs were 30grams higher =( but I'll take it!
 Couldn't imagine what the pie would've made it! eeeeek!

Workout today was LEGS!
4 sets of 4-8... ok not for all of them but that WAS the plan. 

Squat- 95lbs, 115lbs, 135lbs x2 sets of 4. 
Backward lunges- 35lbs 8 reps each leg 4 times through. 
Wide leg Stiff legged Dead lifts- 55lbs... form focus 2 sets of 10 reps
1 leg dead lift- 55lbs 2 sets of 8

Then my husband came in and said let me see your squat. So I showed him my 135lbs 5 times. He said I needed to get deeper. SO i dropped the weight to 95lbs and did 2 sets of 10 deep squats.... lets just say my butt is numb as I type. I'm scared to wake up and move in the morning. I wanted to keep going but my legs were shaking. 
It was a little random because I was interrupted but I can't complain. He kicks my butt and knows how to keep me motivated. =) 

I went to bed tonight proud of myself for having control and confidence, instead of regretting eating a piece of pie or going back to old habits. I really believe you just need to tell yourself you can do it and believe in yourself no matter what your goals are. 

The take away for today:
Workout the stabilizer muscles... don't ignore the ones that assist the bigger ones or you're setting yourself up for injury!

You don't have to do crazy workouts to get awesome results! As long as you're getting stronger, have great form and are challenging yourself, that is what matters and you will get results.

Celebrate the small successes, when the battle starts in your head always listen to the side that will give you a positive outcome and help reach your goals. You do not want to live your life wishing you had control. It's up to YOU to take that control! 

Keep yourself Healthy, Fit, and Fabulous!!

August 13, 2012

August 13, 2012

August 13, 2012

I am going to consider today the official start date of my diet for my competition on Nov. 3rd 2012.
I get many questions regarding my diet so I am going to tell you what it is I am doing until my nutritionist changes it on me. Keep in mind EVERYONE is different. What works for me may not work for you which is why I HIGHLY recommend going to a professional for your goals. Preferably one who gets a lot of referrals and isn't just trying to "sell" their supplements.
I had my body fat pinched (always go to the same person & use the same tool) and weight tested to determine the best diet for me.
I switch up the meals from my plan but I keep the macro nutrients the same.
So for me i need to have:
2029 calories.... Yes! Thats a 2 NOT a one! (feed that muscle!)
 67g of Fat
191g of Protein
167g of Carbs

Todays meals ALMOST hit that RIGHT on! i was so proud!
I use myfitnesspal app to log all my food and I freaking LOVE it!!!!! You can even scan your food in! It's easy, cheap and free... whats better than that?? Heres a pic of the summary for today!

 Here's what my day was like today:

Wake up at 3:45am...blah. I was NOT feeling it this morning and couldn't figure out why (then later found out my "friend" came to visit this month! I know TMI!!!)

 I literally had to force myself out of bed for cardio. I drank my coffee mixed up my amino acids then headed to the treadmill for 35min on an incline of 10 (my treadmill won't go higher =( ) and a slow speed of 3.0-3.2.

 (Remember I am trying to keep lean muscle on not burn it. Coming from being a runner it's a hard concept to comprehend BUT I am seeing a rounded rear which is rewarding and making me a believer!!)

4:30 am- 2 hard boiled eggs and 6oz sweet potatoes. Then off to teach my beloved bootcamp!!!!

7:30am- 2 eggs 4oz broccoli... it's so yummy mixed together!!!

10:30am- 1 serving of these oatmeal pancakes I attempted that turned out horrible because apparently grounded up oats do not cook like regular flour....ha but I ate it with 1 tablespoon of almond butter which made it better!

12:30pm- 6oz extra lean turkey breast, 4oz sweet potato, 4oz broccoli  (I make this ALL ahead of time and stash it in the fridge for easy access!)

2 hard boiled eggs, one white (wyatt ate my yolk... I won't complain!)
1/2 of one of these yummy protein bars I made yesterday! (wyatt ate the other half... lol my little stud!)

3 cups oats
8 scoops Elite Whey protein
1 cup Crunchy natural PB
8oz unsweetened apple sauce
1 tablespoon cinnamon
2 teaspoons vanilla

Mix it all together and mold into a 8x13 pan rimmed with parchment paper
Then i placed in freezer for an hour.
Popped it out onto another piece of parchment paper.
Cut into 12 pieces, wrapped them up and placed them back in freezer for a nice, quick yummy nutritious  treat!

1/12 bars
285 calories
12g fat
23.5 carbs
21g protein 

My pre workout is (when I remember it!) D-stunner.... it tastes GROSS! My husband tells me to chug it... I'll try that next time! I forgot to take my creakline creatine =(  I feel a HUGE difference in strength when I use this stuff!

Workout today was chest and back

Keep in mind i have been lifting for a while so this is just what I am doing right now and don't expect anyone reading this to compare themselves. I feel I have come a long way and am getting really strong for a chick but I also work really hard to get to where I am! 

ALWAYS a warm up of jump rope, dynamic stretching, shoulder work, push ups, vertical rows and spider mans =) 

Set= consists of a series of repetition of one particular strength activity 
Rep= (repetition) how many times you repeated same lifting action.

Bench Press - 65lbs x12 , 85lbs x10, 95lbs x5 for 3 sets!!! 
(it helped my husband was pushing me... he's so freaking sexy, especially in the gym!!! even if its in our basement ;-))
Incline DB Bench press- 25lbs x15, 30 x12 for 3 more sets. My shoulder was talking to me so I didn't push it like  usually do. I can get 37 1/2 sometimes! 
DB Pull overs- started with LIGHT 10lbs then moved up to 15lbs. 4 sets of 15reps.
 I could go heavier but it places my shoulder in a awkward position so i need to be careful! 
Tri-set of rows! 3 sets of 8-12reps
Bent over Rows- using curved bar 65lbs
Vertical Rows- body weight.... LOVE these!
Prone Rows with Push up- 30lbs using power blocks.... probably in my TOP 5 Favorite exercises!!!

Power set of 3 rounds of 10, 6, 4 reps heavier each time
Trap Bar deadlift- 102lbs, 122lbs, 132lbs, This surprised me at how easy that weight was for me!!! My core felt SO STRONG!!! I will definitely be going heavier next time =) 

Post workout is 1 scoop dark matter... again... yuck! But I did it.

7:30pm Dinner was a HUGE spinach salad with 2 egg whites (wyatt ate my yolks again!), some red onions & balsamic vinegar with salad vinegar.
Also 5.5oz of 93% beef along side 1/2 cup sauerkraut... I really like this stuff lately!!! And it's awesome for your body!

9:30pm- 1 cup Liquid chocolate egg whites... OMGosh! SO YUMMY!!!!! seriously I love this! Its like dessert!

My husband is tossing, turning and grumbling at me.... time to say good night world!!

Keep yourself Healthy, Fit, and Fabulous!!

August 12, 2012

Average doesn't cut it

Average doesn't cut it.

Average doesn't cut it anymore these days. If I'm going to keep changing my life and other people’s lives, I have learned I need to keep growing as a person and fitness professional. I want to be above average in all aspects. With that said I've decided to take on an adventure for the next 12 weeks to be in the best shape I can within that time frame. I have wanted to do some kind of fitness competition since I started personal training 7 years ago, and I do not want to regret not doing one. 

It had been a dream of mine for the first 4 years… Then one day I decided ok I’m going to start training and just do it! I didn’t know what to expect but I knew I wanted to do it. Well… lets just say God had other plans for me…

But I sure as heck wouldn’t give up this little boy for the world!

Wyatt Scott
January 12, 2010
5 lbs 8 oz 19in. long

Six months after giving birth to Wyatt I made up my mind to start training for a fitness show again… (Urgh! God kept getting in the way of my plans!) I ended up dislocating my right shoulder, after slipping on one of my campers sweat, while demonstrating a bear crawl (note to moms: while breast feeding your body’s joints and ligaments are much looser than normal). That was one of the most (if not the most) painful moments I have ever encountered, yes it was even worse than giving birth!

I do not quit very easily! I had surgery in January 2011. I had 3 anchors placed in my shoulder and they cleaned up other bits and pieces. 
Here I am during my babies FIRST birthday a couple days after my surgery. =(

I did my physical therapy religiously because my goal was to get to do chin-ups again and “real” man pull ups. (Those just make me feel strong!) I was tempted to train for a show 8 months after surgery but was told that would be silly and to focus on getting strong again.

Here comes 2012… Dust myself off and try again. 

My girlfriend, one of my best friends and biggest fans, Ms Aundrea Annin, competes as a fitness diva in a federation called The WBFF. She is an amazing woman! We are always motivating and inspiring each other to better ourselves and reach goals personally and professionally.

(C'mon amazing is she?!)

Aundrea found a show in May 2012 for me to train for...ahhh, perfect!

I had my meal plans, supplements and training program. I was rocking it for 3 weeks straight dropped 4% body fat and right on track… then BOOM about 10 weeks away from the show, I was doing assisted ("real man") pull ups with a band, the band slipped from under my feet causing my right shoulder to sublux. It was swollen and bruised for 6 weeks. (insert cuss word here) I couldn’t believe that could happen AGAIN!! I had already paid for 1/2 my suit & had it fitted, paid for my tanning, a booked my hair and hotels...oh I was sad devastated.

Back to the drawing board and physical therapy. I first thought "ok Lallenia, really? Why do you want this? It seems something always keeps you from succeeding at this goal. Just focus on being healthy."

 After thinking it over and one of my friends/amazing client telling me about this 30 Day challenge of eating nothing but whole foods. I took on that adventure instead (I blogged about it, check it out in previous posts if you want).

I LOVED having the discipline and focus of not (pretty dang close to not) eating anything processed. I feel that challenge has changed my life in many ways. It taught me so much about food and the way the body uses it more than ANY certification I’ve ever received, showed me how what you eat affects inflammation in the body, proved to me that my body doesn’t do well with heavy dairy products (bye bye Ben & Jerrys cheat meal!), and gave me the control and discipline I needed to pursue my next adventure… 

A Natural Bikini Competition on November 3, 2012. (eeeeekk!! I said IT!!!!!!)

Why bikini? Why not Fitness or Figure? Why am I doing this?

Lets be real… I am not built for a fitness or figure competition. I have been recovering from a shoulder surgery PLUS I have long lean legs and have to work my butt off  um, work my butt UP to build my glutes, HA! or any muscle for that matter!  

I am not one that cares about the glamour of it.... it's just been a goal I've set and haven't done yet. I will do my best and be my best but do not expect to win or lose. I just want to do it for the challenge, the discipline, the adventure.

This is going to be hard work, consistency and dedication. Just like anyone wanting to better themselves and reach goals… you have to work for it and WANT it. 

To be honest I was and still am slightly nervous about putting all this out there… I mean heck, now people can judge me and criticize as much as they want. So why am I going to blog about it? I mean seriously… why do YOU care so much as of what IM doing?

After blogging about my Whole30 challenge and receiving all the questions and curiosity, I realized people (including me!) need and want to know what the journey is like… not just the end result. SO many people do not realize the work it takes to get into (yes even if it’s only bikini) shape for these competitions. Especially coming from a REAL woman who hasn’t been fit her whole life, whose had a child, and who has had several injuries and many objectives to overcome.

This is going to be real..... this going to be raw (just like 80% of the food you eat right?)

Whew! With all that said typed, I’m going to share everything I'm doing, be 100% honest & up front. If you'd like to support me & follow along please do! If anyone is going to be negative or wants me to fail I'd prefer you to stop reading now and let me live my own life. I'm not a fan of negativity nor will I surround myself with any of that crap. 

Here are my before pictures and stats: 

My starting point as of August 9, 2012 SHOCKED me! Ok I’ll be honest…. Brought me to tears (lots of them)… I had my measurements taken and I had to face the fact I was injured and had lost much of the progress I worked so hard to get 7 months prior. 

I didn’t expect in my wildest dreams to ever see the percent body fat on my stats report, that I saw… it said 26%. I knew I lost some lean mass during my recovery period but never imagined that much! I have some work to do… lots of it! I can care less about my weight. 

Weight: 141.5 on Elites Scale (137 on mine)
BF: 26% (AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!)--> I pray this is just a wrong pinch which I will find out this week!!! 
Hips: 37in
Chest: Really? Non existent! Well, except when I wear Victoria Secret wonder bras ;-) 

My nutritionist (JR at Elite Nutrition) says don't worry about setting a goal for weight because he wants me to have lean muscle mass and muscle is going to cause me to weigh more than most people will think. (Ladies... take note!)
Waist will probably get to 26 so not too much of a change, The hips will hopefully stay about the same... the shape and definition of them is what we want to change.  
Body fat for Bikini is usually a little higher than the others so I will probably be about 13-16% depending on how my body reacts to my diet and workouts.

Here are pictures as my starting point….(these were taken July25th)
Keep in mind these are just me! I am NOT tanned & oiled up nor do I have heels on. And Urgh… my weak point as far as where I carry my fat is my mid back and “love handles”… I wish I could put 50% in my glutes and 50% in my chest…. *sigh

Side view
Blah my weak point my back!
Hehe, see Scoobys nose? (bottom right)

Front....with a visitor!

"Ima getchya mommy!"
My inspiration & motivation!! 

Well I am all typed out all though my brain is telling me I can do more.... BUT I need to go run sprints before breakfast! 

 I will tell you about supplements, diet, and my training soon!

 I will give you the details of whats going on & every 1-2 weeks pictures & progress! =) I cannot promise I will everyday but I will do my best to get a post up once a week at least!  

I'm still trying to convince myself I will be able to walk in 5 1/2 inch heels.... ahhhhh so NOT me! 

A new adventure promises new things, gives you hope and experience. This is just me learning and growing to become a stronger person mentally and physically while being able to share what it's REALLY like, something i can look back on to remember my journey and to become ABOVE average in my life. =)

The quote on my phone that keeps me strong each day right now...

Keep yourself Healthy, Fit, and Fabulous!!