Average doesn't cut it anymore these days. If I'm going to keep changing my life and other people’s lives, I have learned I need to keep growing as a person and fitness professional. I want to be above average in all aspects. With that said I've decided to take on an adventure for the next 12 weeks to be in the best shape I can within that time frame. I have wanted to do some kind of fitness competition since I started personal training 7 years ago, and I do not want to regret not doing one.
It had been a dream of mine for the first 4 years… Then
one day I decided ok I’m going to start training and just do it! I didn’t know
what to expect but I knew I wanted to do it. Well… lets just say God had other plans for me…
But I sure as heck wouldn’t give up this little boy for the world!
But I sure as heck wouldn’t give up this little boy for the world!
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Wyatt Scott January 12, 2010 5 lbs 8 oz 19in. long |
Six months after giving birth to Wyatt I made up
my mind to start training for a fitness show again… (Urgh! God kept getting in
the way of my plans!) I ended up dislocating my right shoulder, after slipping on one of my campers sweat, while demonstrating a
bear crawl (note to moms: while breast feeding your body’s joints and ligaments
are much looser than normal). That was one of the most (if not the most) painful moments I have ever encountered, yes it was even worse than giving birth!
I do not quit very easily! I had surgery in January 2011.
I had 3 anchors placed in my shoulder and they cleaned up other bits and pieces.
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Here I am during my babies FIRST birthday a couple days after my surgery. =( |
I did my physical therapy religiously because my goal was to get to do chin-ups
again and “real” man pull ups. (Those just make me feel strong!) I was tempted to train for a show 8 months after surgery but was told that
would be silly and to focus on getting strong again.
Here comes 2012… Dust myself off and try again.
My girlfriend, one of my
best friends and biggest fans, Ms Aundrea Annin,
competes as a fitness diva in a federation called The WBFF. She is an amazing woman! We are always motivating and inspiring each other to better ourselves and reach goals personally and professionally.
(C'mon now...how amazing is she?!)
Aundrea found a show in May 2012 for me to train for...ahhh, perfect!
I had my meal plans, supplements and training program. I
was rocking it for 3 weeks straight dropped 4% body fat and right on track… then BOOM about 10 weeks
away from the show, I was doing assisted ("real man") pull ups with a band, the band
slipped from under my feet causing my right shoulder to sublux. It was swollen
and bruised for 6 weeks. (insert cuss word here) I couldn’t believe that could happen AGAIN!! I had
already paid for 1/2 my suit & had it fitted, paid for my tanning, a booked my hair and hotels...oh I was sad devastated.
Back to the drawing board and physical therapy. I first
thought "ok Lallenia, really? Why do you want this? It seems something always
keeps you from succeeding at this goal. Just focus on being healthy."
thinking it over and one of my friends/amazing client telling me about this 30 Day
challenge of eating nothing but whole foods. I took on that adventure instead
(I blogged about it, check it out in previous posts if you want).
I LOVED having the discipline and focus of not (pretty dang close to not) eating
anything processed. I feel that challenge has changed my life in many ways. It
taught me so much about food and the way the body uses it more than ANY certification I’ve ever received, showed me
how what you eat affects inflammation in the body, proved to me that my body
doesn’t do well with heavy dairy products (bye bye Ben & Jerrys cheat meal!),
and gave me the control and discipline I needed to pursue my next adventure…
A Natural Bikini Competition on November 3, 2012. (eeeeekk!! I said IT!!!!!!)
Why bikini? Why not Fitness or Figure? Why am I doing this?
Lets be real… I
am not built for a fitness or figure competition. I have been recovering from a shoulder surgery PLUS I have long lean legs and
have to work my butt off um, work my butt UP to build my glutes, HA! or any muscle for that matter!
I am not one that cares about the glamour of it.... it's just been a goal I've set and haven't done yet. I will do my best and be my best but do not expect to win or lose. I just want to do it for the challenge, the discipline, the adventure.
I am not one that cares about the glamour of it.... it's just been a goal I've set and haven't done yet. I will do my best and be my best but do not expect to win or lose. I just want to do it for the challenge, the discipline, the adventure.
This is
going to be hard work, consistency and dedication. Just like anyone wanting to
better themselves and reach goals… you have to work for it and WANT it.
To be honest I was and still am slightly nervous about
putting all this out there… I mean heck, now people can judge me and criticize as much as they want. So why am I going to blog about it? I mean
seriously… why do YOU care so much as of what IM doing?
After blogging about my Whole30 challenge and receiving
all the questions and curiosity, I realized people (including me!) need and want
to know what the journey is like… not just the end result. SO many people do
not realize the work it takes to get into (yes even if it’s only bikini) shape for these
competitions. Especially coming from a REAL woman who hasn’t been fit her whole
life, whose had a child, and who has had several injuries and many objectives
to overcome.
This is going to be real..... this going to be raw (just like 80% of the food you
eat right?)
Whew! With all that said typed,
I’m going to share everything
I'm doing, be 100% honest & up front. If you'd like to support me &
follow along please do! If anyone is going to be negative or wants me to fail
I'd prefer you to stop reading now and let me live my own life. I'm not a fan
of negativity nor will I surround myself with any of that crap.
Here are my before pictures and stats:
My starting point as of August 9, 2012 SHOCKED me! Ok
I’ll be honest…. Brought me to tears (lots of them)… I had my measurements
taken and I had to face the fact I was injured and had lost much of the progress I
worked so hard to get 7 months prior.
I didn’t expect in my wildest dreams to
ever see the percent body fat on my stats report, that I saw… it said 26%. I knew I
lost some lean mass during my recovery period but never imagined that much! I
have some work to do… lots of it! I can care less about my weight.
Weight: 141.5 on Elites Scale (137 on mine)
BF: 26% (AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!)--> I pray this is just a wrong pinch which I will find out this week!!!
Hips: 37in
Chest: Really? Non existent! Well, except when I wear Victoria Secret wonder bras ;-)
My nutritionist (JR at Elite Nutrition) says don't worry about setting a goal for weight because he wants me to have lean muscle mass and muscle is going to cause me to weigh more than most people will think. (Ladies... take note!)
Waist will probably get to 26 so not too much of a change, The hips will hopefully stay about the same... the shape and definition of them is what we want to change.
Body fat for Bikini is usually a little higher than the others so I will probably be about 13-16% depending on how my body reacts to my diet and workouts.
Here are pictures as my starting point….(these were taken July25th)
Keep in mind these are just me! I am NOT tanned &
oiled up nor do I have heels on. And Urgh… my weak point as far as where I
carry my fat is my mid back and “love handles”… I wish I could put 50% in my
glutes and 50% in my chest…. *sigh*
Side view |
Blah my weak point my back! Hehe, see Scoobys nose? (bottom right) |
Front....with a visitor! |
"Ima getchya mommy!" |
My inspiration & motivation!! |
Well I am all typed out all though my brain is telling me I can do more.... BUT I need to go run sprints before breakfast!
I will tell you about supplements, diet, and my training soon!
I will give you the details of whats going on & every 1-2 weeks pictures & progress! =) I cannot promise I will everyday but I will do my best to get a post up once a week at least!
I will tell you about supplements, diet, and my training soon!
I will give you the details of whats going on & every 1-2 weeks pictures & progress! =) I cannot promise I will everyday but I will do my best to get a post up once a week at least!
I'm still trying to convince myself I will be able to walk in 5 1/2 inch heels.... ahhhhh so NOT me!
A new adventure promises new things, gives you hope and experience. This is just me learning and growing to
become a stronger person mentally and physically while being able to share what it's REALLY like, something i can look back on to remember my journey and to become ABOVE average in my life. =)
The quote on my phone that keeps me strong each day right now...
The quote on my phone that keeps me strong each day right now...
Keep yourself Healthy, Fit, and Fabulous!!
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