August 13, 2012

August 13, 2012

August 13, 2012

I am going to consider today the official start date of my diet for my competition on Nov. 3rd 2012.
I get many questions regarding my diet so I am going to tell you what it is I am doing until my nutritionist changes it on me. Keep in mind EVERYONE is different. What works for me may not work for you which is why I HIGHLY recommend going to a professional for your goals. Preferably one who gets a lot of referrals and isn't just trying to "sell" their supplements.
I had my body fat pinched (always go to the same person & use the same tool) and weight tested to determine the best diet for me.
I switch up the meals from my plan but I keep the macro nutrients the same.
So for me i need to have:
2029 calories.... Yes! Thats a 2 NOT a one! (feed that muscle!)
 67g of Fat
191g of Protein
167g of Carbs

Todays meals ALMOST hit that RIGHT on! i was so proud!
I use myfitnesspal app to log all my food and I freaking LOVE it!!!!! You can even scan your food in! It's easy, cheap and free... whats better than that?? Heres a pic of the summary for today!

 Here's what my day was like today:

Wake up at 3:45am...blah. I was NOT feeling it this morning and couldn't figure out why (then later found out my "friend" came to visit this month! I know TMI!!!)

 I literally had to force myself out of bed for cardio. I drank my coffee mixed up my amino acids then headed to the treadmill for 35min on an incline of 10 (my treadmill won't go higher =( ) and a slow speed of 3.0-3.2.

 (Remember I am trying to keep lean muscle on not burn it. Coming from being a runner it's a hard concept to comprehend BUT I am seeing a rounded rear which is rewarding and making me a believer!!)

4:30 am- 2 hard boiled eggs and 6oz sweet potatoes. Then off to teach my beloved bootcamp!!!!

7:30am- 2 eggs 4oz broccoli... it's so yummy mixed together!!!

10:30am- 1 serving of these oatmeal pancakes I attempted that turned out horrible because apparently grounded up oats do not cook like regular flour....ha but I ate it with 1 tablespoon of almond butter which made it better!

12:30pm- 6oz extra lean turkey breast, 4oz sweet potato, 4oz broccoli  (I make this ALL ahead of time and stash it in the fridge for easy access!)

2 hard boiled eggs, one white (wyatt ate my yolk... I won't complain!)
1/2 of one of these yummy protein bars I made yesterday! (wyatt ate the other half... lol my little stud!)

3 cups oats
8 scoops Elite Whey protein
1 cup Crunchy natural PB
8oz unsweetened apple sauce
1 tablespoon cinnamon
2 teaspoons vanilla

Mix it all together and mold into a 8x13 pan rimmed with parchment paper
Then i placed in freezer for an hour.
Popped it out onto another piece of parchment paper.
Cut into 12 pieces, wrapped them up and placed them back in freezer for a nice, quick yummy nutritious  treat!

1/12 bars
285 calories
12g fat
23.5 carbs
21g protein 

My pre workout is (when I remember it!) D-stunner.... it tastes GROSS! My husband tells me to chug it... I'll try that next time! I forgot to take my creakline creatine =(  I feel a HUGE difference in strength when I use this stuff!

Workout today was chest and back

Keep in mind i have been lifting for a while so this is just what I am doing right now and don't expect anyone reading this to compare themselves. I feel I have come a long way and am getting really strong for a chick but I also work really hard to get to where I am! 

ALWAYS a warm up of jump rope, dynamic stretching, shoulder work, push ups, vertical rows and spider mans =) 

Set= consists of a series of repetition of one particular strength activity 
Rep= (repetition) how many times you repeated same lifting action.

Bench Press - 65lbs x12 , 85lbs x10, 95lbs x5 for 3 sets!!! 
(it helped my husband was pushing me... he's so freaking sexy, especially in the gym!!! even if its in our basement ;-))
Incline DB Bench press- 25lbs x15, 30 x12 for 3 more sets. My shoulder was talking to me so I didn't push it like  usually do. I can get 37 1/2 sometimes! 
DB Pull overs- started with LIGHT 10lbs then moved up to 15lbs. 4 sets of 15reps.
 I could go heavier but it places my shoulder in a awkward position so i need to be careful! 
Tri-set of rows! 3 sets of 8-12reps
Bent over Rows- using curved bar 65lbs
Vertical Rows- body weight.... LOVE these!
Prone Rows with Push up- 30lbs using power blocks.... probably in my TOP 5 Favorite exercises!!!

Power set of 3 rounds of 10, 6, 4 reps heavier each time
Trap Bar deadlift- 102lbs, 122lbs, 132lbs, This surprised me at how easy that weight was for me!!! My core felt SO STRONG!!! I will definitely be going heavier next time =) 

Post workout is 1 scoop dark matter... again... yuck! But I did it.

7:30pm Dinner was a HUGE spinach salad with 2 egg whites (wyatt ate my yolks again!), some red onions & balsamic vinegar with salad vinegar.
Also 5.5oz of 93% beef along side 1/2 cup sauerkraut... I really like this stuff lately!!! And it's awesome for your body!

9:30pm- 1 cup Liquid chocolate egg whites... OMGosh! SO YUMMY!!!!! seriously I love this! Its like dessert!

My husband is tossing, turning and grumbling at me.... time to say good night world!!

Keep yourself Healthy, Fit, and Fabulous!!

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