Ever have those days where you have everything planned out and then nothing goes as planned?
Welcome. to. my. LIFE.
After taking that Midol PM last night... I could barely get out of bed this morning so missed that workout. I had intentions of going.... but of course the intention will only get you so far right?
**Side Note: I'm beginning to realize this blog is more or less my diary....
(you've been warned!! read at your own risk)
Breakfast: This was amazing!!!
2 eggs, left over meat from last night, 1/4 sweet potato... all mixed up! YUM!
oh yeah... and cheese on top! |
As it turns out.... Wyatt's appointment took a little longer than I anticipated. they had to dilate him and get his prescription figured out for..... glasses!!!! (ahhhhhhhhh)
Am I a bad mom to say I am slightly freaked out by this? I mean I know lots of little kids have glasses but no one in his class at preschool has them. And I hate thinking anything may be wrong with him.
Yes... I know.... Its great we find out now because if not he will have problems later in life and blah blah blah... right now I am just expressing my feelings that it's a little upsetting. Yes! thank goodness that's all that is wrong as some kids have it worse... I get it. Please don't send me some long email telling me its all going to be OK... I know it will be and he is healthy, that's all that matter. He may even grow out of them.
Now that's off my chest... he does look kind of cute with them on right??
Actually it's my fault he even has to wear them if it's a genetic thing which is why I probably feel so bad. I am supposed to be wearing glasses as well... and I do... when I'm working. I forget most of the time unless I'm at my desktop computer....
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this selfie only took about 3 times =) |
Anyways it was lunch time when we got done so I asked Wyatt what he wanted for lunch as he could barely see & I didn't want to take him back to school right away. He said sushi... totally my child!
We pull in to the sushi parking lot and he sees this place that he had his baby cousins birthday party at not too long ago... it happens to have Cotton Candy... yep he remembered.
So he talked me into going to this place called SALT.
How can I resist that face??? (glasses don't come for another week or so)
This menu is fairly pricey and I knew he wouldn't eat everything himself. So we shared.... it was his choice as this was a special mommy and me lunch...and i was still feeling guilty about the glasses.
He wanted avocado egg rolls and pizza.....
No worries I only ate 3/4 of the egg rolls and two slices of pizza.... It was THIN crusted.... I didn't touch the cotton candy... just licked his lips for the taste. (maybe a few times...hey it was banana flavored! Who has banana flavored cotton candy?)
I really didn't plan that.... I
There was probably added sugar to something here... it was funny as I did ask and of course the waiter said "oh no. sugar isn't added to our food unless it's a dessert".... (*sigh* pretty sure there is sugar added to dough... but maybe not... I'm going to go with not)
After this I dropped Wyatt off just in time for nap time... he was super excited... he loves his naps!! (who doesn't??)
Then I went to.....................................
I'm sitting here debating if I should tell you or not... no it's not food choices..... it's a little personal.
I suppose it won't hurt if you knew.
You are totally curious aren't you??
(Who are we kidding?? you know I will tell you.)
Then I went to my first......... counseling/therapist appointment since I've been an official "adult". (that can be argued)
Why??? You are wondering.... For what?
I mean can't you tell my life is so perfect..... (total sarcasm)
I have been doing a lot of self development lately. If you know me you know i am in LOVE with self development (aka Self HELP) books, podcasts, movies, blogs,... I love it all.
I am a big believer that everyone can keep learning and getting better. Plus self help has helped me through a lot of rough times growing up.
I have a hard time reading fiction books or watching mindless TV.... I like to keep my mind busy and growing.... (OR I have ADD and haven't been given meds yet)
One thing I have noticed about these people that I admire and look up too... ALL of them talk about going to therapy.... yes! As in a therapist you sit there and tell all your issues too.
I did some research with help from (Chalene Johnson) and found that EMDR therapy is a great type for people to use if they want to make it to different level in life or get passed barriers.
Many people let their past selves hold them back or other people... Many people play the victim in life blaming everything on everyone else and having a chip on their shoulder.
I don't want to be like everyone else. I don't want a life that's "normal". I want to perform at higher levels and reach my fullest potential in all areas of my life. (Again this is more of a diary today so forgive me.) I know the only way for me to do that is to figure out what exactly is holding me back from doing the things I have written for my goals in life....
I'm not just talking about making money... yes that's part of it because that takes a lot of stress off but I want to feel like I'm truly living the life God sent me here to live. (I'm sorry I'm getting all mushy on you)
My handsome hubby and I got into a "disagreement" last weekend (coincidentally right before my "friend" arrived for the month). We sat down and said let's fix ourselves so we don't end up having issues like many other people later in life and so we can have a deeper connection and even stronger relationship.
Our first therapist appointment was today. I can and probably will write another blog about this experience as a couple but can I just say.... I am SO blessed to have this man in my life....
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I never want to lose this. |
Brad and I have a great relationship. I truly believe we are soul mates... our story of how we met proves it. But that doesn't mean we cannot connect on a deeper level and learn how to work better with each other. I am blessed that he is so willing to do this stuff with me and as manly as he appears (and IS) he's still very humble. And lets face it.. the marriages that last the longest all take work. You can't expect to marry someone then life is perfect... you have to work at understanding and growing together.
I think people are scared to admit they may need therapy .. I
In a nut shell.... I have more issues than he does (does that REALLY shock you??) so I will be needing more sessions than he will but I am actually pretty freaking excited to see what this does to help me grow along with some other courses I am taking! I will keep you posted about the experience if you want!
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This made me LOL!! |
So now that we all know OFFICIALLY I'M CRAZY.... and it's confirmed by a professional.... lets move on to how my day went with my 21 day no processed sugar is going...
After I picked up my little man we went to pick up dog food and came across these beef sticks...
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"Fatmans" lol... |
Then yes I finally went to the gym and worked out my legs... it felt SO good. I really had to talk myself into it though!!! (i actually wrote this part <<-- before i went.... so I HAD no choice but to go)
Came home and ate left overs from yesterday and a pomegranate... Have i told how much I love this fruit yet?? YUM!
I just have to tell you... I wasn't sure how this blog would be perceived... and as always I get a little nervous to just share my stories with the world as people perceive things so differently depending on what walk of life they come from....
You all are awesome!! I'm enjoying the emails & messages I've been receiving and support from you.
This does take time to write just as it takes time to read. I am so blessed to have such an awesome tribe that believes in me and I am hoping that by me sharing bits and pieces of my story & journey it is helping you, inspiring you. and adding value to your life in some way! If you have questions or something you want to know don't be afraid to ask... if you can't tell... I'm an open book (ta da!)
I really believe there will be a lot more coming from me so stay tuned even after I am done with these 21 days.... you all are MY inspiration!
Love you!
Keep yourself Healthy, Fit and Fabulous!! (and go schedule an appointment with a therapist so I don't feel like the only crazy one ;-))
PS Wish me luck as I have a Dr appt for my shoulder/bicep tomorrow.... I'm nervous!
You're amazing. that is all.