November 4, 2014

near death experience

It's so late!! But I promised I would do this every day for 21 days so here I am!
(if you're lost start with this blog HERE first and hi!!!!! (this is a big SMILE & wave from me to you))

My husband and I do this Smart Success course together Tuesday evenings so that came first. =)

 DAY 2 of the no processed sugar in the books... well except for my husband telling me to try this new coffee flavor.... he put Baileys in it.... I was so mad at him! Not only because that is probably one of, if not my very favorite drink but also because it's only day 2 and he goes and does that! Alcohol has so much sugar!

But don't worry as soon as i sipped it I stopped and punched him in the stomach making it spill all over him.... true story.

I also had a near death experience this morning here is what I wrote spoke to my phone as soon as I came home while I was shaking like crazy and trying to catch my breath:

I think I might die right now. I can barely breathe my heart is ponding so hard.
I just ran a half a mile then 10 hill sprints.

WHY you ask.... 

I asked my son what workout I should do this morning out of squats, hills or go run 4 miles. 

He said, "well mommy you "WILLY" need to run the hills like a million times."

Me, "but Wyatt that's an awful lot of times! I don't know if mommy can do that."

"Well ok mommy, how about a hundred?"

I just looked at him with an evil glare. 

Then he held up his hands and said,"ok . fine.....than THIS many!" (10)


Man I'm out of shape! (<--- Did you totally picture Olaf when you read that? If not then clearly I've seen that movie WAY too many times!)

 I can't even tell you how exhausted I felt from that workout... however... I loved it secretly even if I really thought I was about to die... like really die.... it was that hard for me. 

I hope your morning was better than mine ;-)

Breakfast: Was in a rush after almost dying that I didn't have time to eat my eggs before a business meeting so instead I ate a Quest bar and coffee on the go!

I can't believe these bars only have 1g sugar in them! (YAY!!!)

Lunch: I ate my eggs with a sweet potato... I really need to learn how to take food pictures because well.... just look this was my lunch... its looks like vomit but it's seriously awesome! looks nasty.... sorry about that. 
Snack: Big handful of Almonds (raw) and blueberries

Dinner: These awesome crackers from Costco & tuna w/ mayo & mustard

again with the horrible food pics.... 

Then my beautiful cousin talks me into going to take a spin class with her tonight... my old one I used to teach.... I did it. 

I miss teaching spin SOOO bad!! 

Anyways I was burping up tuna the whole time... possibly not the best pre workout meal.... yuck! (TMI??) 

Dinner #2- Tyson Panko Chicken tenders, broccoli & baby carrots... yes I know the chicken is processed BUT remember I said if its has 2g or less of sugar then it's not off limits just yet.... well this had only 1g and it was yummy!!

Except... I was so sad....BBQ Sauce was not happening! Sweet Baby Rays, That stuff has 16g sugar in a serving! No thank you! Pass the mustard please!
I only ate 2 tenders

I finished the night with a half pomegranate.... I seriously wonder if anyone loves this fruit as much as I do... I love love love it!!!

I am falling asleep writing this so please excuse the misspelled words and run on sentences.

All in all a pretty solid day sticking to this..... 19 days left!! (whoop!)

Oh about those measurements... I forgot!

However i DID take the body pictures... I don't think those will make an appearance just yet... I may be a little bit nervous to show those babies to you... Maybe tomorrow....

Ok bedtime!
love you all and your support!!! Remember it's never to late to turn your life into a healthy fit and fabulous life... if you take it one small step at a time,



  1. Quest Bars>>>>>

    oh and maybe try cottage cheese! :)

    1. yes I do need to use cottage cheese!! I have a recipe for them soon!!
