October 7, 2012

4 weeks....

Can you believe my show is 4 weeks away?!?! (start here if you're confused?) 

AH! It seriously has been going by SO fast… I am getting nervous! I know I am trying my hardest but I always feel like I could be doing better or more… although…I am like that in every aspect of my life. No matter what I accomplish or do I feel like I didn’t give my best, be my best or I could’ve tried harder. I haven’t quite figured out if this is a good thing or bad thing yet. I hate how I am always thinking I am not “good enough” yet I like that it gives me a drive…. There has got to be a happy medium right?!

I told you last week I was going to go this week without using the myfitnesspal app to keep track of my food… WELL I did not use it for about 2 days, then I became really antsy and wanted to know how I was doing so I logged a couple meals here and there… and today (also yesterday) I have logged every meal again. I suppose this is not a bad habit but after the show I would like to practice being more aware without having to log my food.

 I did have a lot of success in not snacking on stuff and slipping bites of Wyatt’s food into my mouth. I became MUCH more aware of that =) those little sneaky BLT’s (bites, licks, & tastes) sure do add up even if you do not have a child.

This week was actually REALLY great for my diet and training!! I felt strong and I can feel my body getting tighter. To be honest when I went in to get my measurements Friday I expected to see another week of amazing results….

Much to my dismay….

Body fat went down barely to 20.33% from 20.77%… WhatTheFudge? (Oh how I want fudge…. Yummy)
Weight was 137.9… ha-ha yes down .1 of a pound….
Lean body mass stayed the same.

The only explanation for this result was that I didn’t poop (yes I said poop) for 2 days, which means I am holding bloat in the areas he pinched. My iliac crest and my Axilla went down in measurements but not my ab pinch, which proves that it was indeed bloat according to my nutritionist. (This makes sense so I didn’t argue.) We will see for sure this week if there is another big drop (ha-ha get it?).

While I am on the topic… lets talk about body fat…
I have gotten many messages, emails, and questions regarding my body fat. Everyone says you do NOT look like you’re 20% body fat, that seems so high… well I believe it. I am NOT ashamed of it!!!! Take a look at the body fat percent scale and tell me if you’d be ok with 20%?

(This is taken from Wikipedia)

Essential fat

Heck yes I am ok with being on the athlete end now finally! That’s been my goal! Anyways the judges do not care about your body fat at these shows it’s all about presentation and the way your body LOOKS…. The scales and BF%'s are obsolete, I just like to use BF% as a measure of progress since we know the weight scale is not the best thing to use. 

Lets go back to my constipation issue since I’m sure you are all sitting there hoping I would talk about my poo. My body is adjusting to this change of diet and is not really sure what way to take it. I have upped my water and am looking into pro-biotics to help because at this point I am not going to mess with my diet much more if I want to stay on track. I feel like I’m 2 months pregnant when I don’t go potty… and I get gassy… (Aren’t you so happy I told you this?) This has got to change in the next 3 weeks!!!!!

(Ha-ha, saw this and thought it was funny! I sure wouldn’t poop in front of him! I’d be constipated for weeks!
 Clearly we know this would be lust because true love you’re able to poop in front of each other right??? )

 I’ve had many clients look at me like I was crazy when I’d ask about their pooping schedule… after all I am NOT a doctor why do I care?? Well to be honest I am a strong believer that everything starts in your gut and digestion system. Diseases, cancers, depression, eating disorders, leaky gut syndrome and many more I believe all have a correlation to your bowels. Call me (maybe?) crazy… but think about it…. You eat food…. It goes somewhere and does something…

It HAS a purpose right? It’s not just meant for taste… (WAIT what!? It’s NOT?!) Your body either uses it to fuel your muscles, skin, hair, nails, teeth, organs, bones, etc. or it stores the food as fat if it cannot be used or there is too much.

Not to mention your hormones (think pimples, menopause, rashes, etc.) have a direct correlation to what you are putting in and ON your body…. When you eat bad meat you get sick… when you roll around in Poison Ivy you itch like crazy… how is anything else different? You body reacts to it in someway... why not let it react in a positive way by treating your body right?

I am IN LOVE with this lady (Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel) and her podcasts/radio show lately… try listening to this on your next walk… LOVE!

This one is all about pooping!! (Go figure…)
 She even talks about how the way you sit on the potty can help your digestion… she is amazing and I highly encourage you to check her out for any health issue you may be having or if you just want to learn!

Food should be your medicine… really. I seriously would talk about this ALL day…. Try me I dare you… BUT we aren’t here to talk nutrition you want to see my progress pictures and secretly want me to fall on my face don’t you?

I don’t mean that to be rude but haven’t you ever thought about that…
Many people like to see people fail and that makes me SO sad! That is part
Of the reason I became a personal trainer and (hopefully) one day a Physical Education Teacher and coach maybe. I really want to help and see people succeed and reach goals, especially the teenage girls.

I grew up without very much positive reinforcement or support, which really hurt my confidence, & self esteem. I want to change that. I believe people need to be believed in and loved no matter what. It seems whenever people fail or go someplace that they didn’t like or got horrible service they talk about them/that place more. Yet, when people are successful or they go to a great place of service it is not as talked about. 

This week one of my clients really made me realize how people need to reach inside themselves and realize they can make their dreams reality. I do not just mean losing weight or getting fit (although that helps with many aspects and self confidence levels). I mean realize that if you want something & are willing to put forth the work and efforts you can make it happen.

During a session one of my clients looked at me and said,
 “Don’t take this the wrong way but I’m not that different from you… you just have a lower body fat percentage.” I haven’t told her this (until now) but that comment made me SO happy and really appreciate my job even more because it shows just because someone may (so you think) look better than you does not mean they ARE better than you.

 Honestly I am at a point in my life where I am realizing EVERYONE has their struggles and strengths weather they drive a Lamborghini  or a beat up little Mazda. =)
love love love this quote!!

 Some people have certain strengths that they are given to help others reach their potential  in certain aspects of life, weather they use those strengths for others or not is ultimately their choice. I strongly believe God placed us ALL on this earth to love and help one another. 

What makes you any different from me (besides the obvious)? I may have a lower body fat percentage (and I may not), I may eat chicken and broccoli for dinner instead of lasagna… why can't you?  I may chose to get excited about working out and seeing results… you can too if that’s what you want to do.

You may need to use a different approach than me because we’re not all the same but you can still make things happen if you want them too and are willing to put forth the work… not just the effort but really try, be willing to fail and try again.

Whew…. Ok so last little bit before I go eat my chicken and broccoli…. again.

Another client of mine developed this awesome idea for staying on track for 30 days. She used pieces of paper or note cards maybe. She wrote one quote on each of them, then chained them together and hung it up. Each day she pulls down one piece of chain and that's the quote or task for the day to help her reach her goals! How GENIUS is this??? I wish i could take credit! Not only is she counting down the days but it will also keep her in the right mindset ALL day!!! LOVE IT!!!

So here are my progress pictures for this week. I just put these 3 together because I was getting annoyed trying to fit them all together and have some programs to write up still. 

oh how fun my hair is even down =)
(dont get used to that!)

Many of you may be saying but you don't look much different... I see it and those of you who are into this kind of stuff probably see it too. I am not trying to lose weight and get skinny. I want to look fit and toned. There's a BIG difference in the two. So I know i am still on track and I also can tell I am retaining water weight in my triceps. My triceps pinch great so I was told i have water and sodium there and of course my curves at the hips and abs are holding a little too. I am not worried because I know these next few weeks my body will catch on and be what it is able to be at show time. (lets just hope it's what the judges want!!!)

I am actually starting to really appreciate my body and growing to love it, Even if God decided not to bless my upper half. I have worked hard to grow a butt and shape my back and it's working!!! That's why I love the pictures. My weight hasn't really changed much but my shape has been!  Remember the point of me blogging about my experience is so people see this doesn't happen overnight and there are many other factors you need to put into getting in the shape needed for fitness shows and modeling. I am still learning all of them!!!

My goals for this week: 
1. Up my water to 130oz a day...started this yesterday! Yes I am peeing a ton!!!
2. No change in diet except take out my aftershock drink post workout and just use amino acid drink. (XTEND!!!)
3. Start adding more fish to my diet
4. Keep practicing my POSING!!! (I still looked awkward but better than last week yes??) 

There you have it.... 4 weeks away!!

Keep yourself Healthy, Fit, and Fabulous!!

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