June 8, 2012

So BERRY cute Day 5 ... Awww NUTS!

TGIF! Now if only I could take a break from this Whole30 for the weekend like "normal" diet plans work I'd be super ecstatic! Unfortunately That's not how it works! No cheats on this bad boy! Today was another day of drooling at my sons breakfast. He decided to eat oatmeal TWICE today! I never envied a 2 year old so much.

You may be wondering if I am feeling any changes yet? Mentally I am being challenged for sure! Especially considering that my guys in the house are not following my Whole30. Which means I am surrounded by the food I am not supposed to eat and even have to cook it for them! If I weren't telling the world wide web about this challenge with this blog  I would tempted to "sneak" bites here and there because who is going to know!? I wouldn't have to report them to anyone so who cares? Then I would wonder why I am not getting the results I want in the end. I am a strong believer in karma so i will tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

If this is YOU taking this BLT's (Bites, licks, & tastes) and are wondering why you are not achieving your fitness goals... seriously write EVERYTHING down (measured and all) for 1-2 weeks to get a real idea of what is going in your body! You will be SHOCKED!

Back to how I am feeling... Mentally... challenged. BUT Every day I am proud of myself for not giving in. I just say only 25 more days to go Lallenia!

Emotionally, (Yes emotions and food go hand in hand especially if you are a female. I read a study about how women use food to express their emotions and Men eat because it sounds and/or taste good.) I get a little irritated when I realize I cannot have what my brain is telling me I want.

 Today for instance; we do our grocery shopping and to keep my 2 year old boy happy I always get some trail mix from the bins (I weigh it and pay for it) for him and my brother to snack on so they aren't driving me bonkers! Here is Wyatt lining up ALL the M&M's on the railing and telling me what color they are... I didn't care how smart he was at the time I just wanted to eat them.
SO I fished in the bag for the almonds instead hoping i would accidentally pull out a M&M and not realize what it was until I swallowed it.
No such luck.
He and Travis ate them all. So my emotions are fighting and getting upset because I REALLY wanted all of them just one. Then I felt proud and happy I didn't give in. This goes back and forth when your brain is trying to break habits. I expect it to happen now and understand I do not need to give in to the "evil" brain.

Physically, since I am being so honest here... I am a little nervous because I feel like I am not going to really SEE any changes expect weight gain from the outside if I keep snacking on so many nuts. I need to really crack down and portion size it or I will be needing super size clothing. Inside physical changes, I definitely notice more energy especially if I am unable to get as much sleep as I should I find I am able to cope a lot better!

Awww NUTS! Which brings me to my day today.... nuts nuts nuts... they are good but VERY easy to go overboard on like i am positive I did today... I know they are whole30 approved but i am sure not as many as I ate. No worries they are raw! (positive thinking) All my snacks were either almonds, cashews or sunflower seeds. I did have a handful of dried cherries with no added sugar also.

Breakfast was the same AGAIN! And probably will be tomorrow because we are almost done with those Brussels sprouts (i guess I'm the only one who likes them).

Lunch was my Tuna Recipe from Day 2 onto lettuce leafs... LOVE!

Dinner was supposed to be spaghetti squash with a meat sauce i made homemade (paleo style) but instead I over cooked my squash, we will just call it mush.

So I microwaved a sweet potato and put the turkey sauce over that.... its was ok.

This will make you smile. I let Wyatt play in the sink when I cook to keep him occupied & out of trouble. I was washing some fruit so he decided to help:

SO BERRY CUTE! He makes me smile (most of the time) BIG!

I better get to bed before I eat anymore nuts and I need to rest up for the Warrior Dash! ( I made Tee-shirts for the hubby and i.... hehe you will see our team name tomorrow.... =))

Sweet Dreams!

Keep yourself Healthy, Fit, and Fabulous!!

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