June 21, 2012

Sooooo FAKE!

A little riddle for the day....

What do fake friends and fake foods have in common?

Fake friends look good on the outside, spike your energy levels for a bit and tell you things you want hear to make them look good (oh.my.gosh. I just LOVE your hair tie!).   After they leave you feel like you were just slapped in the face, only hear from them when they need something, yet you want more and to be around them because you think maybe if I just do (this) maybe they will like me more. Eventually if you hang around them enough, they rub off on you and you find yourself becoming just as fake.

Fake food also looks good on the outside, has outrageous tastes that are unnatural, spikes your energy levels and is packaged in a way that tells you what you want to hear  (Oreos ONLY have 70 calories per cookie). Then after they are gone (in your precious body) you feel like crap, yet it's hard to stop eating them because of the addictive additives in them. Eventually your body will not look like it's self because it will be surrounded with obscene amounts of fat that doesn't belong on you.

See, both of these make real friends (who are there for you at the touch of a dial and will cry at their door step with you at 3am because of a stupid boyfriend) and whole foods (which satisfy your appetite and fuel your body to perform at its ultimate best ) look bland and boring compared to the excitement of the fake ones that only build you up at their convenience.

WHY does this matter Lallenia? I'm sure you've had a fake friend and didn't realize it until you were placed in a situation that it became apparent right?

Well, with food it's similar but people seem to get so sucked in to their habits it's harder for them to OPEN their eyes and wrap their brain around the fact that the "bland and boring" foods are what makes you feel better, look better, and perform better in ALL aspects of life.

But in all reality if the food is prepared right it does't have to be boring! Have you ever bitten into a prime rib and steamed broccoli cooked just the way you like it? YUM! (PLUS it satisfies you not wanting more) And NO real friends aren't boring either! Heck you may find yourself driving down the interstate with a red bra hanging out your window to support breast cancer awareness. ;-)

REAL whole foods and REAL friends make you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside all day, everyday no matter what. Why surround yourself and consume anything less?

“Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.” 

 Moving on to another kick butt day at eating whole30 approved!
Breakfast is still my beloved sweet potato hash and 2 eggs. 

Snack was pistachios (i measured out serving)

Lunch and snack before cycle was a salad. (yep I had TWO of them!)

 Whats in my salad today?

red onions
Sliced ham off bone
1/2 avocado
balsamic vinegar 
Salad vinegar 
Salt & pepper

Dinner.... you will LOVE this idea....

SEE!? Ins't it AWESOME! 
It's Wyatts plate! Now i cannot go overboard with my servings or I will know it.
Dinner was pretty much same as last night but I added butternut squash. (LOVE and SO EASY!)

 If you want to learn about the foods you eat (like i do because I am weird i know) I LOVE this site that explains it all in detail for u. --> This is one to squash... SO many health benefits! 


I REALLY need to get some sleep but received this book in the mail yesterday and can't stop reading it.

YES! Thats the book from the people who developed Whole30! It is pretty awesome so far! But I LOVE learning about, as they call it the "science-y" side of what food is doing to your body and why we need to eat certain foods and how the bad stuff affects us.

I am also a big believer that when you know WHY you should be doing something and if the outcome is a what is wanted you are more likely to actually do it. Like eating your broccoli because of it's unique health benefits. Seriously! It's a superfood, look it up! 

Well, I'm off to snuggle my pretty awesome significant other and try to get away with keeping the reading light on until he tells me to turn it off and go to bed...

Keep yourself Healthy, Fit, and Fabulous!!

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