September 9, 2012

Posing session and Update! (not to mention a cute little craft I made!)

It’s another update on my progress for the little competition I have decided to endure in EIGHT weeks (from yesterday)!!!!!!!!!

I must apologize; last week I thought I was 10 weeks out… nope. I was 9 weeks out. Which means the progress pictures were within three weeks not two.

(confused as to what i'm talking about? Read here first!)  

I practiced posing with my girlfriend, the fabulous AundreaAnnin, this week on Labor Day…. Ha… I am SO not graceful or coordinated… let alone in heels and trying to pose my body… I bet your curious aren’t you?
Ok ok here is a little taste of how awkward I look trying to do this… don’t judge me… well ok I guess I have to be judged in 8 weeks so I better get used to it right?

Aundrea, of course, has confidence, poise, rhythm, and a banging body…she’s kind of the whole package…. I’m just half wrapped right now. ;-)

This week…. OH boy. Well I lost another percent of Body Fat!! Yay to me…. But I also lost body weight…. Which means some muscle mass. GRRR… I am not a fan of that!
As of Friday September 7, 2012
My weight was at 137.6
Lean body mass (muscle) is 107.09
Body fat is 22.17%

This was according to JR at Elite Performance Nutrition. 
I’m really trying not to lose weight so I was sad to see this because it means I lost some lean body mass. I know I will but I do not want to until the last few weeks up to the show.
I am what they call an ectomorph. This means hard gainer (in terms of muscle not fat lol). From all my running and disordered eating I have to work a little harder to put muscle on my body.

Ok… I know this may bring up a lot of controversy and people trying to convince me other wise but with my lifestyle, background, and ‘I think I can’ personality….I’m not a big believer in the whole genetics theory when it comes to fitness, muscle, and fat loss. I think it’s partly genetics as far as WHERE you store your fat and the obvious stuff like structure of bones, face, hair, and eyes. But looking at the big picture I think that people can shape their body the way they want to IF they use the right tools, have the patience, persistence and apply it all to their life.

Yes, it’s going to take time, years even to get there but if you have a vision I think know you will get there IF you want it bad enough. Look at all the body builders who have changed their bodies and athletes that have made it pro…. Someone gave them the right tools and they ran with them. Yes some may have had athletic parents but many of them did not. They were motivated and determined to make it happen.

 I’ll use my husband as an example. He’s a BIG dude (and kinda cute too…), he has lots of muscle mass on him.  He has had to work at it for YEARS….I have seen pictures of him as a teenager…. Still a cutie but really SCRAWNY(don’t tell him I said that!)! Now 10-12 years later he’s massive (Please tell him I said that though! =))!

This was from 3 years ago! He's a lot bigger now,  I just think this is a great pic! 

 WHY? Because he keeps getting stronger year after year. He keeps track of his workouts and keeps making him self stronger and stronger. He’s parents are not big and muscular, neither are his siblings. They sure could be IF they WANTED to be but he is because having size and strength is what inspires him to work out. That’s what drives him to go to the gym after working long hours in the heat or cold working as a plumber. I can’t say I mind it at all, plus that’s how we met =) Ha… actually I’ll have to write a blog about that some day… my favorite story ever!

I bring this up because I hear people saying ALL the time, "it's my genetics, I'll never lose weight, or I'll never get a bigger butt, or I'll never be able to do a push up." Then they go back to their old ways of eating a lounging around. Never reaching the full potential of themselves.

Back to me because we all know I could talk about the hubby ALL day…

I want to tell you all that I don’t know why I lost some muscle mass and that I am doing EVERYTHING I am supposed to… but that’d be lying. My workouts are AWESOME right now; I am getting stronger each workout! Love it!

My nutrition has got to be stricter!! My mind keeps telling me oh Lallenia you still have X amount of weeks left before you REALLY have to hit it hard…SERIOUSLY 8 weeks is not far away!!?? 

I lost a little muscle mass because I wasn’t eating on the right schedule, the exact ratios per meal and I let an extra tablespoon of peanut butter slip or a bite of Wyatt’s dinner in my mouth. I’m telling you it’s crazy how precise you need to be when it comes to achieving a certain look in your body. NO, I’m not saying to look fit you have to do what I am doing by any means! But if you’re going to be judged on a stage next to a bunch of other people wearing bikinis, heels and loads of makeup you should probably hire a coach or two or three to reach your FULL potential. AND I'm not going to be one of those girls who don't follow what their trainer says then scramble last minute and try to use diuretics to get rid of bloat and puffiness. No way! I'm going to do this the right way. 

Do I think I will be at my FULL potential? Not necessarily. I think for me to look the BEST I possibly can I should be trying to gain size right now and putting on more muscle mass to look a little fuller. Then do a show next spring. BUT I REALLY want to have another baby! I’m getting CRAZY baby syndrome. So I am going to do the best right now with what I have. Then I will see how I do, perform, feel and look…. If it’s something I love I will pursue it more in the future… if not I will mark it off my bucket list! =)

As for my goals from last week....
Well lets just say I am a work in progress! I did do a couple of them but here is my list for this week and some of them may be repeated because I need to make it a habit still!

8 week out goals:
1.) Follow meal plan as exact as possible!! We brought carbs down a little this week. I will need to make sure I am eating enough fats to keep me satisfied. Also I realized if I do not have a plan for my family's dinner then I'm more likely to eat a few bites of their tuna melt or spaghetti noodles.
I made this simple little weekly dinner plan for my family so I can be prepared with my own meals and be mentally prepared to make and serves theirs.

I'm pretty proud of this!!! I know my handwriting is horrible but its a cute set up and I didn't even use Pinterest to help me ;-) 
It is an extra kitchen cabinet door we had lying around and chalk paint on the front.... I thinks its super cute and matches our kitchen perfectly!!! 
2.) Pose Pose Pose and Walk in those heels at least 3 days a week! I'm more nervous about this then the last two weeks of my diet!!!!! 

3.) Keep up my progress in the gym and NOT injure myself! (or get preggers.... haha)

4.) Register this week and book tanning... I already have my suit picked from the stunning Tamee Marie, hair & makeup is booked with the amazing Dani Cooper at BOSS studio (she's going to do it SO early for me!!!) and my Wifey Shannon and her parents are coming!!!!!! I'm SUPER STOKED for them to be here!!!! 

As far as the competition those are my goals. I have many personal ones but I need to get to bed!! 

Oh yes! It HIT me hard yesterday when i awoke about the show in EIGHT WEEKS.... as of yesterday (Saturday) my diet has been SPOT on!! and i plan to keep it this way unless JR tells me I need a cheat meal. I even ate this concoction  for dinner... 

This is 93/7 ground beef, 1/2 cup pumpkin and green beans mixed.... it was rather scrumptious! 
Nighty night!!!! Keep me in your prayers for strength, faith and confidence please =) XOXO

*Keep yourself Healthy, Fit & Fabulous*

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