January 28, 2012

I'm Suffering.....

It’s a typical Saturday morning at the Birge house. I wake up with the roosters, prepare our blueberries, oatmeal, and eggs, drink my coffee and study until I hear the words “heeellooo?? Mama hoooomme?”

 I go in to see the CUTEST little two-year-old with his hands up and waiting to snuggle me good morning… (LOVE!). He goes to get his da-da up and we eat our breakfast then get ready for our Saturday morning gym date (*sigh* my favorite!). 

It’s leg day for me… those of you who know me know I have some pretty good shaped legs! BUT (or should I say BUTT) I need to turn my gluteus minimums into a gluteus maximums! This means I have to lift HEAVY and work hard! Building muscle for a girl is NOT an easy task and takes dedication, patience and hard work to accomplish. ESPECIALLY for a girl (that’s me!) that used to think running will burn fat and has the endurance of an Arabian horse!

After getting the little man situated in kids club, I go do my warm up of jump rope, body weight lunges and body weight squats, then head over to the Squat rack knowing what I have worked up too this week…. I am mentally preparing myself to squat 135lbs 6-8 times for 4 sets (after I do a couple warm up sets with lighter weight).

When I get there I see one of my husbands best friend (whose name is also Brad but with 2D's) about to use the squat rack so I put on a cute little smile and use my sweetest voice, “Hi Bradd! Are you using this?” (If you go to the gym and use the squat rack you know it doesn’t matter how cute you are when it comes to a buff man and his squat rack!!)
He looks at me and says, “What’s up Lallenia! Are you just starting your workout?”
“Yes I am.” I respond in that sweet little voice.
“Oh good!” He says with a light in his eyes! Then looks over at my husband, “Hey man, is it cool if I take your wife through one of my workouts?”
My Brad looks at me with a grin, “Hell ya! Sure dude! Go for it!”

I have heard my husband talk about this mans leg workouts before and see the way he walks for days after so I give my Brad the meanest look… because he knows I’m not one to say no to a workout unless I’m injured... Boy do I wish I were injured today!

SO…Here I am dripping sweat (and I don’t usually sweat much) lunging with 40lbs in each hand for 20 steps (yes, with perfect form!) after let me repeat that…AFTER I did 5 sets of leg extensions super set with heavy squats then he had me pyramiding my way up from 180lbs to 360lbs then back down to 180lbs (10 reps each set, total of 8 sets) on the leg press…. I stop 2 lunges before 20…. He looks at me and says, “Pain is weakness leaving the body, but that’s cool go ahead and cheat yourself from getting results I won’t say anything.”

What do I do? Go over pick those dumbbells up and finish that set knowing I still have 3 sets more to go, then one more superset workout with hamstrings. All the sudden after I put the dumbbells down I hear in a disgusted voice “You know… you DON’T HAVE to suffer to get fit!” Says the lady who is sitting on the leg machine with no sight of sweat dripping off her body, has about 40lbs to lose and the machine that she is on is definitely set up wrong for her body. 

If I wasn’t in my zone working hard to reach my goals at the time I may have had some “motivational” words for her. Instead I shook my head and smiled... oh but I will tell you what… I finished those lasts 3 sets of lunges and that hamstring superset feeling stronger and more confident than ever! =) (don't ask me how i will get out of bed in the morning.....)

Moral of this story you are wondering? I’ll tell you. I am not “suffering” because I am dripping sweat, grunting (more like a squealing), lunging weights that weigh more than half my body weight, not eating birthday cake or pizza when I am around it, measuring out my foods, and striving to be in the best shape I can be in. That’s not suffering to me… sorry lady... that’s called motivation, dedication, and a girl who wants to prove to herself she can do it.

Healthy, Fit, FABULOUS!

"Don't let anyone influence or make you feel bad when it comes to your life & your choices, they are yours for the taking..." Fitness Model Aundrea Annin

Here is a picture of me after i was just getting out of Physical therapy from my shoulder surgery about 5 months ago, I don't have as much muscle as i want to see.....SO I use it as motivation because I am in the processes of getting my back & shoulders stronger and leaner, also want to see more definition in my abs and grow that Booty!!! ..... I am making my weaknesses my strengths =) 

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