I decided I am going to do an update every Sunday until the show in 10 weeks!
(Read this first if you're confused)
That way I have a plan and everyone will know when to expect the next one =)
( anything during the week will just be extra ;-))
I am learning creating a plan, schedules and routines are essential in reaching goals in life. Whenever i don't have a plan I feel a little lost and get distracted really easy! I still have a lot of learning to do when it comes to creating plans and organizing my life. I feel like I am a little behind since i was unable to live a "normal" life growing up but that does't mean I am not going to try everyday to keep making myself better in some way.
Since i promised I was going to be totally honest and upfront in this journey I will tell you I struggled this week...can you guess that it all comes back to lack of planning ahead and taking my mind off my goal?
Subconsciously I am thinking oh it's 10 weeks out I still have time to make mistakes.... I cannot think that way if I want to feel like i gave it my all. I cannot fall into bad habits and old ways.
Don't you ever feel this way?
"oh it's ok I can just go ahead and start again tomorrow...."
Yes, everyday is a new day and when you mess up there is always tomorrow right?
No.... not really (it's not promised on this earth).
You need to live in the present and make the best choices possible that will help you reach your goals and dreams now at this moment. The future is a mystery, we have no idea what tomorrow will bring. Why sabotage your goals and be left thinking if only I followed my plan.... Do what youwant NEED to do now and forget everything else.
One thing I have learned is when I think there is always tomorrow...it's time to reevaluate my goals and figure out a new plan or goal to keep me motivated and on track. And maybe the goal is unrealistic at that point and i need to try something else to help me.
I remember when I was in the darkest part of my life and really struggling with my bulimia, everyday I would think I can just start again tomorrow it's ok if i eat this whole cake (carrot), box of cereal (Oreo O's), box of girl scout cookies (thin mints) and bag of Lays Fritos (chili cheese flavor). I can just start on my diet again tomorrow. I did something similar to this several days if not weeks in a row.
(Does that shock you that I used to eat all that? I would be lying if I told you I made it up...I cannot really explain how or why i did it but i know I will never go back to feeling so defeated, helpless, scared, unworthy, self conscious, and disgusting again. Thats what happens when one struggles with bulimia or binge eating.... they feel worthless.... )
I finally was able to wrap my head around the fact that it's NOT all or nothing Lallenia! Take it one day at a time and realize YOU are WORTH it. You deserve to have self control, self respect, and self love. Yes, you are going to mess up here and there but that doesn't mean you're a failure. It takes time to change habits and addictions, just NEVER give up on getting stronger, healthier and happier.
Back to thisweak week.... I had a couple days I had to do a lot of positive self talk (can you imagine what my son must be thinking to see his mommy talking to herself.... oh geez). I usually feel weak when I am surrounded by foods that seem to "tempt" me (can you guess it's usually sugary, fatty foods?). This is why I tell people if you're serious about reaching your goals do NOT have the foods you know you eat too much of around you. There is a lot of truth to the out of sight out of mind theory.
This has been another realization to me... I need to STOP thinking about all the foods i CAN'T have and focus on what i CAN. (URGH....pinterest is KILLING me on this......have you seen all the pumpkin cream cheese bar recipes.... if notcheck them out DON'T do it!)
Also I am not going to cook for my family foods i cannot have that tempt me. Call me selfish but if they want something else they can make it. This is what distracts me from my diet plan the most... is trying not to eat what i make them if it's something I know i want... like no bake peanut butter cookies I made this week.... (shush up. i know! i know! Bad idea! dang you pinterest!!!) I was thinking oh I won't eat any! It's for my brother and son.... umm... yeah.
I have no problem making my Chickenwursts (is that even a word?) and their Bratwursts or my veggies plain and their veggies with butter on it. BUT i do have a problem baking or making something sweet and not being able to eat it too. SO I will just refrain from this until after my competition. =) Problem solved. (hopefully)
We went to a little carnival this week and there was a table full of COOKIES!!!!!! (and coffee near by yum...)

It was really good!!
Another lesson I am learning is you need to really know your WHY....
Why do you want this goal?
My WHY (s):
What is your WHY? Dig deep.... it's not just to look good in a swimsuit. Write it down, keep track of your progress and live by it... adjust it as you go if needed.
2 week Results....
I was unable to get body fat % this week because my guy was out of town.... BUT i have progress pictures! I feel really awkward posting these pictures of me in a swim suit with hooker heels... as in it makes me wonder what the heck am I doing this for again?!!!..... it's SO weird, not really my thing right now. Plus I'm pasty white, no make up on, NOT flexing, no push up bra and I still don't know how to pose!!! AHH... I start learning tomorrow so don't be too harsh on my boring mug shots please! ;)
The black swim suit is just a regular one I have and the pink one is a competition one which one of my girlfriends loaned me to try for a show I was going to do last May. I wish i had used this pink one from the 12 week mark for a more accurate pictures.
I am pretty excited in seeing the changes i do considering I cut out pretty much all cardio now except for my cycle class and occasional sprints on my hill. I will add it back in if needed come 6-8 weeks out. My calories are always about 2,000-2,200, my protein is between 175-200 grams, carbs about 150-170g and fat is 50-70g.
To sum this up and what I want YOU to get from this blog....
(this can apply to anything in life not just fitness by the way)
Your Goal.....
1st.... What is your WHY?? ... no really... WHY do you want it?
2nd... Make a plan and/or get help if you don't know how to. (it may take more than one person to help and thats ok!)
3rd.... get excited about what you CAN do not think about what you cannot.
My Plan this week?
1. Make a meal plan of weekly dinners for my family (something i have control over) and for me not to stray from my own meal plan (especially at night).
2. Every night before bed i am going to plan out my next day. Meals and workouts around my family obligations and training schedule.
3. Focus on the workouts and meals I AM able to do and eat not the ones I cannot (like pull ups & snatches or cookies & pumpkin bars)
4. Pray with my husband every night this week. (we need to grow closer spiritually and balance out our relationship to keep it strong and steady.) He is my greatest support and I want us to stay as close as possible!
Whats your plan to staying healthy fit and fabulous this week?
(Read this first if you're confused)
That way I have a plan and everyone will know when to expect the next one =)
( anything during the week will just be extra ;-))
I am learning creating a plan, schedules and routines are essential in reaching goals in life. Whenever i don't have a plan I feel a little lost and get distracted really easy! I still have a lot of learning to do when it comes to creating plans and organizing my life. I feel like I am a little behind since i was unable to live a "normal" life growing up but that does't mean I am not going to try everyday to keep making myself better in some way.
Since i promised I was going to be totally honest and upfront in this journey I will tell you I struggled this week...can you guess that it all comes back to lack of planning ahead and taking my mind off my goal?
Subconsciously I am thinking oh it's 10 weeks out I still have time to make mistakes.... I cannot think that way if I want to feel like i gave it my all. I cannot fall into bad habits and old ways.
Don't you ever feel this way?
"oh it's ok I can just go ahead and start again tomorrow...."
Yes, everyday is a new day and when you mess up there is always tomorrow right?
No.... not really (it's not promised on this earth).
You need to live in the present and make the best choices possible that will help you reach your goals and dreams now at this moment. The future is a mystery, we have no idea what tomorrow will bring. Why sabotage your goals and be left thinking if only I followed my plan.... Do what you
One thing I have learned is when I think there is always tomorrow...it's time to reevaluate my goals and figure out a new plan or goal to keep me motivated and on track. And maybe the goal is unrealistic at that point and i need to try something else to help me.
I remember when I was in the darkest part of my life and really struggling with my bulimia, everyday I would think I can just start again tomorrow it's ok if i eat this whole cake (carrot), box of cereal (Oreo O's), box of girl scout cookies (thin mints) and bag of Lays Fritos (chili cheese flavor). I can just start on my diet again tomorrow. I did something similar to this several days if not weeks in a row.
(Does that shock you that I used to eat all that? I would be lying if I told you I made it up...I cannot really explain how or why i did it but i know I will never go back to feeling so defeated, helpless, scared, unworthy, self conscious, and disgusting again. Thats what happens when one struggles with bulimia or binge eating.... they feel worthless.... )
I finally was able to wrap my head around the fact that it's NOT all or nothing Lallenia! Take it one day at a time and realize YOU are WORTH it. You deserve to have self control, self respect, and self love. Yes, you are going to mess up here and there but that doesn't mean you're a failure. It takes time to change habits and addictions, just NEVER give up on getting stronger, healthier and happier.
Back to this
This has been another realization to me... I need to STOP thinking about all the foods i CAN'T have and focus on what i CAN. (URGH....pinterest is KILLING me on this......have you seen all the pumpkin cream cheese bar recipes.... if not
Also I am not going to cook for my family foods i cannot have that tempt me. Call me selfish but if they want something else they can make it. This is what distracts me from my diet plan the most... is trying not to eat what i make them if it's something I know i want... like no bake peanut butter cookies I made this week.... (shush up. i know! i know! Bad idea! dang you pinterest!!!) I was thinking oh I won't eat any! It's for my brother and son.... umm... yeah.
I have no problem making my Chickenwursts (is that even a word?) and their Bratwursts or my veggies plain and their veggies with butter on it. BUT i do have a problem baking or making something sweet and not being able to eat it too. SO I will just refrain from this until after my competition. =) Problem solved. (hopefully)
We went to a little carnival this week and there was a table full of COOKIES!!!!!! (and coffee near by yum...)
I wanted ten one SO BAD!!!!! Here is my husband scolding me.....
Followed by this text message when I was getting bratty with him.....
(I know what you're thinking....ME? Bratty?? NEVER! ;-))
He wasn't on my good side... i hated strongly disliked him at this point.
So even though this is NOT on my meal plan I had a plate full of fruit and yogurt dip.
I knew i needed something to settle me down and I also know that calories aren't everything...
This fruit plate is the same amount of calories as a cookie (about) but it will digest differently in my body... (yes this is true, so take note...it's not ALL about the calories!!!)
I felt so happy after I made the right decision!! and i kinda liked my husband again...
I wanted ice cream this week too... so I made this instead....
1 cup Coconut milk
2 tablespoons PB2
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1 scoop chocolate protein powder...
Blend all together with ice!
Viola.... Choclate peanut butter shake!
It was really good!!
Another lesson I am learning is you need to really know your WHY....
Why do you want this goal?
- Why are you going to eat fruit while everyone else is eating cookies? (true story)
- Why are you going to eat your chicken dry while everyone else has a creamy sauce? (true story)
- Why are you going to go to bed by 9pm friday night to get up and be at the gym early while your friends are going to go out to drink and eat? (true story)
- Why are you going to eat a protein bar while your husband eats popcorn and PB M&Ms at the movie theatre? (true story)
- Why are you staying home during a Husker game while your friends are out tail gating and enjoying nachos and drinks? (true story)
My WHY (s):
- I want to prove to myself i can do it.
- I want to finally achieve a goal i have set a long time ago.
- I want to have more credibility in my career choice.
- I want to be able to say I have done it and set a positive example for young girls and women.
- I want people to know that to look like the fitness models you don't have to starve and it can be done if you do what it takes.
- I also want to show them those fitness models don't ALWAYS look like that, they prep for the pictures, stage, magazines, competitions ect. It's their job... so stop being so hard on yourselves.
- I want more confidence to help make a change in this world.
- I want a challenge to get me to the next level of fitness.
- I want to stay on track by blogging about it, inspiring and having support from friends and family
- I want to better myself, grow and learn through this experience.
What is your WHY? Dig deep.... it's not just to look good in a swimsuit. Write it down, keep track of your progress and live by it... adjust it as you go if needed.
2 week Results....
I was unable to get body fat % this week because my guy was out of town.... BUT i have progress pictures! I feel really awkward posting these pictures of me in a swim suit with hooker heels... as in it makes me wonder what the heck am I doing this for again?!!!..... it's SO weird, not really my thing right now. Plus I'm pasty white, no make up on, NOT flexing, no push up bra and I still don't know how to pose!!! AHH... I start learning tomorrow so don't be too harsh on my boring mug shots please! ;)
The black swim suit is just a regular one I have and the pink one is a competition one which one of my girlfriends loaned me to try for a show I was going to do last May. I wish i had used this pink one from the 12 week mark for a more accurate pictures.
I am pretty excited in seeing the changes i do considering I cut out pretty much all cardio now except for my cycle class and occasional sprints on my hill. I will add it back in if needed come 6-8 weeks out. My calories are always about 2,000-2,200, my protein is between 175-200 grams, carbs about 150-170g and fat is 50-70g.
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I look SUPER excited don't i?... lol I feel awkward!!! |
WOW... this was a bit of a wake up call! My weight has hardly changed since i started! But my lean body mass (muscle) is going up AND I'm losing FAT all within the same weight on the scale.
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crazy my weight is pretty much the same isn't it? |
this is just two weeks... I knew I felt changes but SEEING them in the pictures really is motivating!
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I REALLY need to learn how to flex and pose! |
I feel like this is my weakness, my back and shoulders from having those surgeries. I don't see as much change here as I want but I can see some (I want more muscle definition)... I know this just means i need to keep improving... slowly but surely it will happen...
To sum this up and what I want YOU to get from this blog....
(this can apply to anything in life not just fitness by the way)
Your Goal.....
1st.... What is your WHY?? ... no really... WHY do you want it?
2nd... Make a plan and/or get help if you don't know how to. (it may take more than one person to help and thats ok!)
3rd.... get excited about what you CAN do not think about what you cannot.
My Plan this week?
1. Make a meal plan of weekly dinners for my family (something i have control over) and for me not to stray from my own meal plan (especially at night).
2. Every night before bed i am going to plan out my next day. Meals and workouts around my family obligations and training schedule.
3. Focus on the workouts and meals I AM able to do and eat not the ones I cannot (like pull ups & snatches or cookies & pumpkin bars)
4. Pray with my husband every night this week. (we need to grow closer spiritually and balance out our relationship to keep it strong and steady.) He is my greatest support and I want us to stay as close as possible!
Whats your plan to staying healthy fit and fabulous this week?
*Keep yourself Healthy, Fit & Fabulous*
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