June 11, 2012

One WEEK down & Healthy hash brown Recipe!

One Week Down 3 more to go!!!
I have read that the first couple weeks can be an adjustment to this new way of eating.
It is.
I have had some headaches lately and my guess is because my body is adjusting to not relying on sugary and carb loaded nutrition to get me through. (even though I thought i was eating healthy before)
The positive side is I am learning to be more creative and find delicious recipes that are easy and inexpensive. I LOVE eggs in case you haven't already realized this. I eat them everyday. I was really craving hash browns for some ODD reason today.... I don't normally eat those.

I thought about using sweet potatoes but remembered we were having them for dinner... then I saw it.
The Jicama, I picked up because it had a cool name last week. I read that it said mexican potato (it's white as can be so I'm not sure why it's mexican?)  I figured what the heck I will give it  shot... OUTSTANDING!!!
I made an onion, Jicama & sausage hash with over medium eggs today and SO EASY! Might be my favor recipe yet. This was our lunch but it can work for breakfast or even dinner....
Heres How:
Cook your sausage (if you want it) and place to the side until end.
Saute some onions (i use  white) for a couple min

Then throw in some peeled and shredded Jicama (as much as you want) & add 1 tblsp organic butter, I also added garlic and Natures Seasonings

Cook until it is at your desired crispy or softness, add your sausage.
  Then cook however many eggs you want, anyway you want and ENJOY!

This is making me want to get up and go make it again! it was really THAT good! Shockingly!
Nutrition Facts of Jicama:

  • ONE cup raw sliced
  • Calories: 46
  • Protein: 0.86 grams
  • Carbohydrate: 10.6 grams
  • Total Fat: 0.11 grams
  • Fiber: 5.8 grams
I was pretty excited after that recipe and made a little collision of veggies and turkey for dinner. 
I just sautéed more onions, chopped up sweet potatoes, broccoli, and ground turkey. I experiment with different seasonings all the time also to change it up. This is easy, cheap, family friendly and health friendly as well. 

I had to get  a talking too from my husband about throwing vegetable scraps down the garbage disposal. He told me this is my warning... next time I will have to call a different plumber and pay for it lol... yeah right. Please learn from my mistakes... veggie scraps go in compost, or  animal food, or soups, or trash... not is sink. BUT if you do need a plumber you know who to call... =)
 (just don't hug him naked I might get a little jealous ;) ) 

Keep yourself Healthy, Fit, and Fabulous!!

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