How I Got Pregnant...
I know what you're
thinking…. And you are absolutely correct!!!
It is OBVIOUS how I
got pregnant.... I mean not too much has changed in the world as far as how we
evolve.... It's sperm meets egg. Now days there are all sorts of ways of how it
gets there but still without a sperm and an egg there’s not much chance.
I felt pulled to sit
down and write this as I have gotten quite a few people asking me about HOW we
got pregnant when we had so much trouble before.
If you've followed me
at all you know my husband and I REALLY wanted to have another child after our
miracle boy was born in January 2010. But for some reason it just didn't
I went to see a
specialist who put me on hormone medications, a special diet, and even
contemplated surgery...still nothing but a little depression and feelings of craziness
(more than normal).
After switching
doctors I found out I have PCOS. (Which you can read about here if you'd like).
This doesn't mean I can't have kids but it makes things a little harder for
some women. With my background of an eating disorder growing up I was starting
to think maybe our miracle boy is it for us.
The doctor I go to
told me a lot of women who have been through what I have can go on to have
multiple children naturally. Considering I am decently healthy compared to the
"average" population one would think I wouldn't have trouble right?
He said we should get my husband checked...
So we did.
It was last July 2014. I remember (like it was yesterday) getting the call from the doctor while sitting in the parking lot to the grocery store.
The doctor said for some reason there wasn't sperm in Brads semen and we would need to retest, as that isn't normal. If that's the case we wouldn't be able to have any more kids with each other.
The doctor said for some reason there wasn't sperm in Brads semen and we would need to retest, as that isn't normal. If that's the case we wouldn't be able to have any more kids with each other.
As you can imagine I
Of course, instead of thinking ok there must be a mistake! Lets get him retested! NOPE.
All I heard was we probably couldn't have anymore kids together.
Picture this...
Here I am sobbing uncontrollably, entirely upset, going home to talk to my husband... yet when I told him he just looked at me (slightly dumbfounded) and said, "ok and??..... there could be worst things... We DO have Wyatt and each other."
(I guess I must be a drama queen or something....)
Of course, instead of thinking ok there must be a mistake! Lets get him retested! NOPE.
All I heard was we probably couldn't have anymore kids together.
Picture this...
Here I am sobbing uncontrollably, entirely upset, going home to talk to my husband... yet when I told him he just looked at me (slightly dumbfounded) and said, "ok and??..... there could be worst things... We DO have Wyatt and each other."
(I guess I must be a drama queen or something....)
But then... MUCH to my surprise he began to get more worried about ME. How I
would feel about this if he really cannot have more kids and build the family I always dreamed about as a child. In his eyes he has all he could ever want with Wyatt and
I. He didn't want it to hurt our relationship.
(Don't let his scruffy, tough guy looks fool you... he's just a big a teddy bear!)
(Don't let his scruffy, tough guy looks fool you... he's just a big a teddy bear!)
After the shock of it, we decided to wait a few months before we would test him again.
As life goes, we never did get to test him again. Part of it, I was scared to hear the news if it was indeed real. And truth be known... I was beginning to accept that I might only have one child. We started planning our life around that.
As life goes, we never did get to test him again. Part of it, I was scared to hear the news if it was indeed real. And truth be known... I was beginning to accept that I might only have one child. We started planning our life around that.
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Just us three.... |
After my (3rd and hopefully last) right shoulder
surgery this past December 31, we started
putting our focus on growing ourselves and our plumbing business. (I'm a
sucker for self-development)
By this time, as you can
imagine, we BOTH were very much thinking unless we undergo some crazy
surgery or have to go through expensive methods (that is not only going to cost a lot of money but is not guaranteed) we probably won't be having more of our OWN children.
Please note: Not that
a child isn’t worth it or there is anything wrong with these decisions but we wanted to accept that maybe we will have only
one and then adopt if we felt pulled too later in life rather than undergo expensive medical treatment.
Are you as confused as I am at this point of the story?? I mean, I know you know I'm pregnant... after all you probably saw this FUN video on my Facebook Account announcing it right??
Our son, Wyatt, has been
asking for a baby sister since he was 3.
He asked Santa last Christmas and every night would pray for her. He even started putting it in his grateful journal this year when we started one.
He asked Santa last Christmas and every night would pray for her. He even started putting it in his grateful journal this year when we started one.
No Joke!! I found this post of him asking me to buy him a sister at
Target last year!! (say what!?)
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crazy right???? |
I didn’t want to tell
him we can’t have any more kids. I said miracles CAN happen after all you are
one! Keep that hope…
Secretly... I was heart broken.
Secretly... I was heart broken.
How I believe we got pregnant…
On top of Wyatt’s
prayers, I think God led me to take this nutrition class at a gym I work for.
I was already going to help set it up but for some reason (now I know) Wyatt wanted to stay for it (seriously). We were going to leave after it was set up because I didn’t have anyone to watch him that morning and thought he would be bored.
I was already going to help set it up but for some reason (now I know) Wyatt wanted to stay for it (seriously). We were going to leave after it was set up because I didn’t have anyone to watch him that morning and thought he would be bored.
(I’m SO glad I raised
this child to love to learn about his body and food.) We stayed for the seminar
and I left there with so much more knowledge than I can even tell you.
than I ever learned from certifications, classes and books (Thanks Bill Esch!!). One of my biggest
takeaways was the proper vitamins and supplements to take.
Wyatt said, “Mommy!
Let’s go get some vitamins and make our bodies healthier! And no more sugar ok? Because our bodies don’t like it.” (we still haven't completely kicked that nasty sugar habit yet)
That afternoon I went
and bought some vitamins for all of us from whole foods. They were the Super Nutrition Vitamins. While we take Cod Liver Oil, a probiotic (LOVE) and vitamin C, we never really took
multivitamins on a regular basis. It was hard for me to think we needed more
than what was in our food (not that we eat perfect by ANY means).
Starting that whole month of February we were (and are) pretty diligent about taking our vitamins. And I MADE Brad take his probiotic as he was never really into that. Also, I was trying to heal my shoulder so I made sure to eat more whole foods and healthy fats then ever during that time.
Then the test…
Call me crazy (it’s
ok!) but ironically after taking the vitamins & really eating well that next month... I missed my period.
It is VERY normal for me to be irregular… but something felt weird. NEVER did I believe or even think I was pregnant. I wasn’t working out like I used to so figured my PCOS was acting up and my hormones were crazy.
It is VERY normal for me to be irregular… but something felt weird. NEVER did I believe or even think I was pregnant. I wasn’t working out like I used to so figured my PCOS was acting up and my hormones were crazy.
My first sign should've been I hated my husband... true story. I just looked at him and wanted to cry... he's so gross, and stinky, and hairy, and annoying... "why did you make men God? Why???"
These were all the thoughts running through my head while picking fights with him over why he smells so bad and why he looked at me the wrong way. (worse than normal)
I even got so mad at him one Saturday night.... I drove around balling my head off for two hours AND I didn't even know why I was mad at him! Thank goodness it was night time and no one could see into my car... mascara everywhere and me screaming at the steering wheel.... with no explanation as to what it was I was angry about.
These were all the thoughts running through my head while picking fights with him over why he smells so bad and why he looked at me the wrong way. (worse than normal)
I even got so mad at him one Saturday night.... I drove around balling my head off for two hours AND I didn't even know why I was mad at him! Thank goodness it was night time and no one could see into my car... mascara everywhere and me screaming at the steering wheel.... with no explanation as to what it was I was angry about.
(Please note: if you are a guy reading this and your wife hates you... please confirm she's not pregnant before you make any irrational decisions or get mad at her... this is normal)
After 13 days late, I
was on the phone with my sister in law (who was also pregnant at that time). She said I was
being weird and that I should get a pregnancy test. I told her no way… We can’t be
pregnant that's impossible!
Many of my other friends said that something was up with me that week as well.
Many of my other friends said that something was up with me that week as well.
Since I just happened to be at the grocery store (again) while on the phone with her, I thought “I might as
well just take one. That way I can prove I'm not pregnant and people can leave me
alone about it and let me be hormonal.” So I got the cheapest one I could find.
That night, Friday
March 27, 2015… I took the test just to show everyone they were wrong.
Fasle. I was wrong.
I took it and saw
there was one strong line and one VERY light line… I was like no way!
So I waited… and looked again 2 min later…there was still TWO lines… this was a cheap test so it had to be wrong!!! I called my husband in and said how many lines is this???
So I waited… and looked again 2 min later…there was still TWO lines… this was a cheap test so it had to be wrong!!! I called my husband in and said how many lines is this???
He was in shock I was even talking to him. Nonetheless had NO idea I even
MIGHT be pregnant..... needless to say he was slightly confused…
He said, "looks like two…" (long pause)
"WAIT!!!....... WHAT!? Are you? Really? I thought…” then he got all excited with happy/teary eyes. (As I stared at him with disgust thinking urgh... why is he so gross??)
He said, "looks like two…" (long pause)
"WAIT!!!....... WHAT!? Are you? Really? I thought…” then he got all excited with happy/teary eyes. (As I stared at him with disgust thinking urgh... why is he so gross??)
Of course I start googling if tests could be a false negative... then I took another one and
same thing… I talked to my friend who is an ultra sound tech and she said it’s
not very likely it's false especially if I missed my period and TWO tests had the same results.
We made this card for
Brads parents because he was SUPER excited and I was SUPER in shock... we couldn't keep it
a secret until I went to see the doctor the following week….
(notice the "think") |
Crazy right??
Maybe it is more so for me since I am sitting here writing this and feeling these little kicks going on inside me. It feels like just yesterday we were thinking our family of 3 was it, enrolling Wyatt in an expensive preschool, and writing in our christmas card about all the goals we have set for this year like going to Disney World.... well plans changed on us pretty quick there!
I believe in God and STRONGLY believe he has played a HUGE role in giving us this little girl to love and cherish...
I believe in God and STRONGLY believe he has played a HUGE role in giving us this little girl to love and cherish...
I believe God answers prayers and he probably had a pretty hard time resisting Wyatt's relentless prayers for a little sister... hence why it happens to be a girl!
BUT I also believe that Brad and I must've been missing an essential vitamin or mineral that helped tie this all together.
BUT I also believe that Brad and I must've been missing an essential vitamin or mineral that helped tie this all together.
I have always believed (and until proven differently, will always believe) that your nutrition plays a VITAL role in ALL aspects of your life. For us, I think taking in the vitamins (and Brad his probiotic) filled a void in one of us and then everything just happened to click with perfect timing in Gods hands.
And Yes I promise it's Brad's child... I mean after all it only takes one sperm to do the job.... and this one snuck out of there!
Cannot wait to meet her in 15 weeks or a little less (hopefully!!!)
Until next time... (soon! as I've also been getting questions about working out while pregnant so am composing some fun stuff for ya'll!)
Keep yourself Healthy, Fit and Fabulous! (and take your vitamins!)
And Yes I promise it's Brad's child... I mean after all it only takes one sperm to do the job.... and this one snuck out of there!
Cannot wait to meet her in 15 weeks or a little less (hopefully!!!)
Bump is really poppin at 22ish weeks here! (I need an updated one now that I'm 25 weeks this week) |
Until next time... (soon! as I've also been getting questions about working out while pregnant so am composing some fun stuff for ya'll!)
Keep yourself Healthy, Fit and Fabulous! (and take your vitamins!)
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