June 13, 2012

I ate chocolate on day 9!

Yes! You read that right! Chocolate! Thanks to Pinterest and my new food processor I was able to make something that was like a slice of heaven. =) I will share!
6 dates
1/2 avocado
2tblsp of cocoa powder
1-2 tsp of water

I can read your mind. You're thinking seriously, Lallenia?! Thats what my husband thought too until he tried the finish product! Even my brother in law (who is an amazing chef) complemented my new found Dr. Oz recipe. 

Place all ingredients in food processor or small blender and mix until smooth adding a little bit of water at a time as needed. I did learn that I should've doubled the recipe for my food processor because it was hard to blend it until smooth due to the large capacity.

I also made some sweet potato chips by chopping them up in the food processor 1st. 
Add 1-2 tblsp olive oil and salt and pepper to taste. 
Then Broil for about 8 minutes;
 Flip and rotate then broil again for 8-10 minutes. 
Wyatt wouldn't stop stealing them! I'm pretty sure he ate at least 2 cups worth... 

I think this may be the best purchase I've made for my kitchen yet. 

Today was not as bad on the whole30! A friend and I were talking about how it takes 17-21 days to really break and/or make a habit. Give me another 10 days and I will hopefully be over many of my cravings for oatmeal, protein powder and Peanut butter! 

I will have to say this is one of the BEST challenges I've ever decided to pursue! I feel like this has already changed my way of thinking and feeling about food. I know I have SO much more to learn but I can tell you I absolutely LOVE this knowledge and learning how my body reacts to what i put inside it. It's not so much of an obsession as it is a genuine excitement and passion I have for health and fitness. 

A snack to incorporate in your nutrition is real (not sugary packaged) sliced meat (turkey and ham) just make sure it doesn't have added junk to it. Ask your deli department. I like this wrapped around a green apple, another outside of the box idea I am aware but this is what makes eating healthy so much fun! 

There is an ice cream recipe I am going to try soon also... I'm SO excited!!!! 

Oh yeah! Guess what!? I didn't snack on any nuts today!!! Be Proud!! That little charts helps from day 7, Thanks Bernstein Bears politeness plan! =) 

Keep yourself Healthy, Fit, and Fabulous!!

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