June 12, 2012

Not Pregnant and day 8!

Guess What!?
I'm NOT pregnant.... I know you're probably thinking Wait... What? I didn't know you thought you were....I knew SOMETHING was wrong and felt all the signs of a pregnancy so I was hoping that was what was making my body act crazy! I figured by starting this Whole30 challenge it would alleviate the symptoms... it did not. :-(  I made a Dr apportionment because something was just not right. Turns out I had an ovarian cyst rupture and a minor bladder infection.... Isn't that just amazing?

Have you ever tried unsweetened cranberry juice? It is SO tart!!! That is my new best friend this week!
 I am relived to know why I have been having a hard time working out, feeling nauseous, tired, really bloated, and going potty all the time. I would rather it have been because I was pregnant. That's more enjoyable than looking like I have a small watermelon in my abdomen, running to the bathroom every 5 minutes, and experiencing pain in  my pelvic. This may be too much info, I apologize.
No this won't mean I'm off the diet (dang it). It just means i will need to not drink coffee (ahhhh) instead tea, take out some fruits for a little while until I feel back to normal. Almost like a small cycle of detox. I'm ready to feel like myself again and be able to lift heavy and run sprints!

Back to Whole30 Day 8.  Nothing too exciting today I made the hash browns again.... ate them for breakfast and lunch! I still love em! Dinner was random. Sunflower seeds, carrots, and rotisserie chicken. Still within the Whole30 so no negative points!!!
We went to a baseball game tonight, Wyatt was over flirting with the pretty girls!

Isn't this cute! He's dancing and being a silly man! All these vegetables sure do make him feel pretty awesome! =)

Thanks for stopping by! Sorry today was boring, Time to for some beauty sleep!!

Keep yourself Healthy, Fit, and Fabulous!!

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