My husband took me on a last minute surprise get a way to
Minnesota for a Vikings Game and to see Mall of America for my 26th
Birthday!! I felt guilty getting on here when we do not get too much time like
that together so I started writing Sunday evening and decided to postpone it
and put my husband first. =)
I will say so far
that has been one of my most memorable birthdays yet.
On the car ride down I downloaded the audio book The Five
Love Languages by Gary Chapman. BEST book EVER for anyone who is in a serious
relationship hands down. Since we were driving I figured it would be a great
way to pass the time. I could tell Brad was a little annoyed at first but by
the time we made it to MN he changed his mind. I could write a whole blog about
this book. It’s a MUST read and re read or listen to during your fasting steady state cardio in the
mornings =)
The game was AWESOME!!! Not only did they WIN! But I love seeing the athletic ability in football…. And their uniforms aren’t too shabby either.... I'm not sure which is better baseball uniforms or football.... hmmmm! ;-)
We had fun! And Brad got me a super cute hat!...Ha he actually brought it back to me so i wouldn't be upset that he ate a hot dog.... lol at least he was kind enough to eat it before he sat back down next to me while i was eating my chicken and green beans....
We explored the mall of America, went on the ROLLER COASTER
I am without a hat.on so my hair is CRAZY messy! (more than normal) |
Then Brad wanted to go on this Plank walk.... little did I know we would be strapped into a harness and climbing on ropes, ladders and planks to a really, really, really, really, (did I say really?) high destination.... ha I didn't realize how scared of heights I was until this!
He was soaring past me while i was putting one foot in front of the other without looking down...
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this doesn't look as scary as it really is!! I was shaking at the knees... can ya tell... |
OH! I happened to find the Lululemon store…. Game over. I found my presents. Brad was SO good and patient with me…
even with the final bill =) (I’m sure it helped that we spent 4 hours at a
football game earlier).
I’m getting off track…. ANYWAYS so if you’ve been following
my blog at all you know I have a little bikini competition coming up here in
SIX weeks!!!!!!!! (start here if you want to read more)
I went for measurements this week a little nervous because
of my little episode last weekend and my other (red) “friend” came to visit me this
Nonetheless I gained 2lbs of LEAN body mass!!! So I am at
109lbs muscle (YA!!!)
BUT my body fat is back to 22% and weight is up to 140.... Now
that I am not on birth control or engaging in my old eating behaviors (on a constant basis) I have a NORMAL cycle, which means I get horrible cramps, exhausted, bloated and feel
icky for 2-3 days. JR (my nutritionist) told me this body fat measurement and weight could be skewed but either way I
have A LOT of work to do still.
I started to get a little nervous…
I knew that was coming.
After last weekend I was VERY
diligent about eating the right amounts of food, carbs, proteins like
the meal plan
but would still sneak in greek yogurt and skip my almonds for an extra
tablespoon of PB.
There’s not really any room for that now.
He told me I can still look the part IF I start believing in myself more, lower the carbs and stay consistent with my diet... Urgh there's that dang word again! CONSISTENCY.... it just wont go away!
I see where many girls give up right about here and throw in the towel. It would be so easy for me to say, "AH i can't do this. I quit!" and come up with an excuse.
But i have learned in my life nothing comes easy. You're going to fall sometimes and have to pick yourself back up, No one is going to sit there and make you do it... only YOU can make the decisions to live a different life and reach the goals you strive for.
I texted one of my best friends and amazing posing coach about the results and she asked what i was planning on doing and how i felt... I told her.....
WOW SIX WEEKS... (now it's almost 5!)
Anyways a HUGE accomplishment this weekend was i PACKED all my chicken, eggs, veggies and oatmeal/protein combo for the trip. (Poor Brad never wants to smell chicken and eggs again....)
THIS IS SO IMPORTANT! Pack and plan ALL meals for success. I have taken this tool with me now these past 2 days back. Each night i pack my food for the next day (even if I'm home).
I cannot even tell you how good it feels to not be all over the place and tempted to eat other food. I just eat out of my bag and make sure I eat before i make Wyatt's food. Then give what he doesn't eat to one of the guys or the dog or the garbage instead of me!
I DID get to go out for birthday dinner which was a seafood pot from Bubba Gumps... YUMMY!!!!
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You know you like my BIB!!! |
The waitress brought us a birthday cookie so Brad was happy... and yes I had a bite... but that's it!
I was so proud!! (ok Brad actually took it from me so I didn't eat anymore.. AND he stopped me from getting a Cinnabon!... urgh... I will thank him in 5 1/2 weeks i suppose)
We also stopped at Bennigan's on our way home.... I never knew 4oz of steak was SO SMALL!....
This just isn't fair! |
--Note to self.... do NOT bring heels, a swim suit, and then ask your husband to take pictures while alone in a hotel room together.... recipe for failure (in his eyes success). Too Much Info??? Yeah... You're right.....---
Needless to say I did not get the pictures taken this week AGAIN!! (hehe... it's building suspense isn't it??)
Before I go to eat my eggs before bedtime (and give out more TMI's) I just want to tell you how humbled, grateful, thankful and sincerely blessed I am by how many of you opened up to me from my last blog.
That was VERY hard to really open up like i did and i was super nervous to talk about it. Nonetheless BLOG about it!!
The emails of support I received and the emails of others opening up to me about their struggles REALLY opened my eyes on how big of an issue this is for many girls and women.
I know God has placed me on this earth to help people become healthier and stronger. I hope by me opening up, sharing my knowledge, experience, struggles and life helps others find their Healthy, Fit and Fabulous side with me!!!
I am looking forward to measurements this week for the first time in a while and cannot wait to share my progress! Please keep me in your thoughts and send me strength and consistency vibes for these last few weeks......
Keep yourself Healthy, Fit, and Fabulous!!
I couldn't stop myself from taking the time to read your blog again, the "Throw in the Towel" really took me by surprise! You can do it, you are one of the most inspiring dedicated people that I have ever met. Stay with it miss determination!
ReplyDeleteThank you SO much Pete!! I get my motivation from you guys! =)