You are where you want to be.
Aren't you?
No really...You are.
You are where you want to be.
I was told this by a friend of mine during our workout session a few weeks ago. It has been stuck in my head ever since.
She's RIGHT! ( she
If you weren't you would make it a priority to get to where you want to be. This can be used in so many areas of life....
I've been thinking so much about this simple little saying and cannot help but realize so many people use their past or other people as an excuse (me included) as to why they aren't this or why they haven't done that.
Honestly..... it's kind of bologna (gross and just wrong). I look at my life and where I am right now. I made the decisions to be where I am today. No body forced me into it. No one can force you to do anything unless you allow them too. Even at gun point, you do not have to give up your wallet.... (it'd probably be wise if you did BUT you get what i mean right?)
Of course there ARE exceptions (duh); like if you want to have a relationship with someone and they do not want to have one with you. You can do everything in your power to try to be with them but you cannot make them want you...
Oh man!! I've been there! (tried that a few times w/ the same guy).... I didn't want to think I couldn't have what I had my heart set on. Even though that's where I thought I wanted to be, there were other plans for my future...although i may have gotten a broken heart, it taught me a whole lot and lead me to the man I believe God placed on this earth for me specifically. (awwww how cute right?)
![]() |
I'll keep him =) |
Anyways as much as I LOVE talking about my hubby
and how we met... that isn't what i wanted to write about this week! (if you
want to know, feel free to ask it's my favorite story... EVER!)
Are you where you want to be??
Ask yourself that.... it will either make
A. Wake up and get going on your dreams, ambitions, and goals.
B. Make you realize yes. yes I am.
C. OR you will sit there a spew out a bunch of reasons on why you aren't the CEO of your company, haven't lost the weight you need to lose to get healthy, cannot eat a balanced diet, don't have time to play with your children or cannot seem to get ahead in life.
A. Wake up and get going on your dreams, ambitions, and goals.
B. Make you realize yes. yes I am.
C. OR you will sit there a spew out a bunch of reasons on why you aren't the CEO of your company, haven't lost the weight you need to lose to get healthy, cannot eat a balanced diet, don't have time to play with your children or cannot seem to get ahead in life.
I do not mean this to be rude. I just think that when you REALLY want something bad enough or WANT to change something you will fight like crazy to get it and not let excuses or other peoples opinions get in your way.
Yes there are things you cannot have right away.... for instance say you want to be pregnant with a baby and you try really hard but then you find out you're not.... It's so frustrating yet that doesn't mean you are going to give up right away.
You keep trying to
find what works best for you.
I see this a lot where people start "trying" to get healthy. They start exercising and making better food decisions but do not lose a ton of weight, even gain weight sometimes..... then they quit. Wait. What? I've always struggled with this one.
Yes there will be fall backs. Yes, it IS hard at times to stay disciplined and eat whats healthy for you when just want a dang cheeseburger and french fries someone ELSE made. Or get up and move on days you just FEEL like laying around.
My husband and I took Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University class a few weeks ago for 9 weeks to learn how to handle money (LOVED IT).
We are on our way to getting out of all debt but
our house. (YAY!) It sounds like such a great idea right??
HOLY COW! It feels like its such a SLOW process
of budgeting and DISCIPLINE...... but yet we have to keep looking at the end
picture of being able to save and give money instead of paying interest and
racking up more debt.
At this moment it sometimes feels like we will never make it because we feel like we are sacrificing so many things we want right now (like a new house and car). Yet in 10-15 years when we are able to not only give to charities we really care about but also build our dream home, own a few Harley's, AND have our sons college fund filled up, it will be SO worth it, right???
Same with weight loss, muscle tone and becoming healthier....
HOLY COW those chocolate chip cookies look so good, an extra serving of pasta sounds delicious, the couch is super comfy, just ONE more donut wont hurt.....
It's those little "extra expenses" that end up costing so much more down the road than if you keep your eye on that goal. Make sure your choices reflect your goals not your instant gratification need.
“There is a choice you make in everything you do. So keep in mind that in the end, the choice you make, makes you.” John Wooden
How true... You are where you want to be. If
not, change your choices so you are. It really is THAT easy. If you're not sure
how to get to where you want to be. Find someone who has made it there and ask
him or her how he or she did it. Your circumstances might be a little different
but that doesn't mean it's impossible to get there. Just don't give up if
that’s REALLY what you want.
I am right now in a bit of a funk with deciding where I want to be. And that’s ok too.
I REALLY thought I was pregnant (AGAIN) and
I'm not. To be honest it's harder than I thought.... there is no special
formula as everyone is different. Since I'm not pregnant I really want to get
back into feeling like myself and working out like I used to. No not
overtraining or turning towards my eating disorder. Just learning new stuff and challenging myself in new ways.
I have so many goals and ambitions I struggle
with staying focused on one.
I want to be pregnant. I want to run a half marathon. I want to do a triathlon. I want to do another bikini competition. I want to compete in a cross fit challenge.
Geez… I sound like my 3-year old son. I WANT I WANT I WANT....... Awesome.
I want to be pregnant. I want to run a half marathon. I want to do a triathlon. I want to do another bikini competition. I want to compete in a cross fit challenge.
Geez… I sound like my 3-year old son. I WANT I WANT I WANT....... Awesome.
Some girls like to sew, shop all day, some
like to decorate their house, some cook all day… I like to workout & be
active. I do enjoy cooking healthy meals but not all day… I’m not great at decorating
and couldn’t sew a button on a shirt if my life depended on it… and shopping
Yikes!!!… I get too overwhelmed!
After a long talk with my husband we decided
its best to keep “trying” (his favorite part!) for baby #2 but not take it so
extreme to where I don’t workout like I want or run sometimes. When the doctor
told me to quit running, working out hard, and gain weight I did and I hate
And maybe as I am feeling more like myself, my
body (and God) will say that’s it Lallenia! Baby time! We’re going to do it
naturally for a few months before we decide to ask for medical help. I need to stop trying to control things i cannot control and comparing my life and my circumstances to everyone else.
What I CAN control:
1. What I put into my body, physically, mentally and spiritually.
2. If I decide to make time to workout or not.
3. Who and what I am surrounding myself with.
Make a list of your goals and write out a game plan of how to get there. if you don't know how ask for help instead of wasting time trying to figure it out on your own and worrying about what other people are doing.
I know I needed to write this as I have been struggling with this lately. It is a kick in my butt as well to write out my goals physically, mentally, spiritually & financially. Then game plans on how to make them happen. That will be my next blog. (now hold me to it will ya??)
What I CAN control:
1. What I put into my body, physically, mentally and spiritually.
2. If I decide to make time to workout or not.
3. Who and what I am surrounding myself with.
Make a list of your goals and write out a game plan of how to get there. if you don't know how ask for help instead of wasting time trying to figure it out on your own and worrying about what other people are doing.
I know I needed to write this as I have been struggling with this lately. It is a kick in my butt as well to write out my goals physically, mentally, spiritually & financially. Then game plans on how to make them happen. That will be my next blog. (now hold me to it will ya??)
I hope this helped to motivate you to start getting to where YOU want to be and make the choices and goals you need to make to get there! Or at LEAST think about making yourself better in some form.
Remember if you have questions about fitness & health related topics I'm an open book and LOVE LOVE LOVE learning and helping people! My passion entirely! If i cannot help you I will lead you in the right direction of someone who can. =)
Remember if you have questions about fitness & health related topics I'm an open book and LOVE LOVE LOVE learning and helping people! My passion entirely! If i cannot help you I will lead you in the right direction of someone who can. =)
Keep yourself Healthy, Fit, & Fabulous!!
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