July 4, 2012

I didn’t make it…

I didn't make the whole30 diet perfectly for 30 days. =(

The last night of my whole30 I found myself feeling frustrated, annoyed and my head in the toilet…
 I’d like to tell you it wasn’t my fault but I’d be lying.
I was overly excited thinking since “technically” my Whole30 started June 3rd at dinnertime then I’d be done with it at dinner yesterday.
Sooo… When I was making my husbands protein shake after he got off work, I made a little extra for me too… because I have been dying to have one… (weird  I know!)

The shake consisted of:
1 scoop ISO Pure protein
6oz Almond Milk
1 tablespoon PB
½ banana

YES! It tasted delicious to my taste buds…. Not so much to my insides… Holy cramps! ALL night my tummy was yelling at me, telling me how mad it is that I would go from eating so great (minus 3 minor mishaps the whole time) for 30 days to having something completely off track.
Yet this is something I used to drink almost EVERYDAY!
I’m still feeling the affects today and can tell you I will not be straying too far from the Whole9/Paleo way of eating today or any other day!!!

I am seriously stunned flabbergasted that my body reacted this way! I shouldn’t be because when I ate off the plan 3 times (sweet potato fries, oatmeal w/ pb and a ½ glass of Rumchatata ...I know!! self discipline where you at??) during the challenge my body was not liking me too much either. 

In the book (It Starts With Food) it tells you to not have any cheats the whole 30 days or it will not work. I am going to have to say that is false! I made it 11 days with NO cheats and when I did slip my body was totally telling me, "What the (insert word here) are you doing to yourself!? This (insert another word here) doesn't belong in your precious body Lallenia!" I promise I never even had a full out binge or full meal of junk. Even a small portion and my body did not like it.

I can't believe how much I used to mistake the times I was not feeling great with the idea that I must be getting a virus when really it was because of the food choices I made. Seriously think about all the times you feel gross, bloated, under the weather, sluggish, depressed, unmotivated, etc.... think about what it is you are eating first before you go to the Dr and are prescribed some medications that will only be a temporary fix.

Here is something to gnaw on... (haha!! GNAW...nerd alert!)

When you place anything (food, pills, tobacco, alcohol, dog food... ok maybe if you're two...)  into your body, it needs to be absorbed and digested or  it is rejected. Your body decides what it will do with it based on what it is. Digestion involves mixing the substance with digestive juices, moving it through the digestive tract, and breaking down large molecules into smaller molecules. Digestion begins in the mouth, when you chew and swallow, and is completed in the small intestine.
It's a little more complicated than that but you get the idea right?

So why not digest foods that work with your body instead of against it? I mean after all if pills (which go through the same process) can help you feel better, don't you think eating the right kind of food can do the same?
What you put into your body is what you get out of it. There is NO other way around this.
SO WHAT you don't LIKE something... if it's good for your body and brain Eat it. Simple solution. I mean we aren't kids anymore....we buy our own food and make our own choices.

If you choose to fuel your body with junk, expect junk to come out of it. That's like putting oil in your gas tank.... good luck. Also don't sit there and complain about being over weight, having inflammation, not having any energy, feeling depressed, etc. Unless you are HONESTLY learning and working really hard to change your lifestyle. I see it all the time when people say I want to look like this or lose X amount of weight or run a mile this fast but yet they "don't like" broccoli and chicken or they don't like doing certain workouts. OK... obviously it's not that big of a deal to you or you would figure out a way to make it happen.

I relate with this scenario as well. I would LOVE to have a full 6 pack (abs not bud light) and a shredded back but I have  not been able to stick with a super strict diet and workout regimen to get it yet. I am healthy, strong and happy. I have attempted to train for a fitness show 3 times now and have had a traumatic event happen each time... pregnancy (yay for Wyatt!), shoulder dislocation, and shoulder subluxation. I am not complaining just saying life does get in the way BUT I have not let those events bring me down or let myself go. It is still on my bucket list of things to do.

Whole30 Review:
I am a HUGE fan of the Whole30 diet and way of life. I think the book (It Starts With Food) is one of the most educational, straight forward, and very well researched book out there in the world of diet and nutrition. The authors know their stuff and went to GREAT means of research to develop a resource at the tip of our fingers that will be saving and changing peoples lives! (all for $15 on amazon!)

They tell you straight up and I found out first hand; if you are doing this strictly for weight loss then this may not be the right book/diet for you. Weight loss does happen for most (95% of) people (especially for those who are overweight) but is not the reason for the "diet." This is ALL about resetting your metabolism, taste buds, digestive system, thinking, habits, and all around HEALTH. It is teaching you how to eat what your body needs.

When people focus more on being healthy rather than all the other junk then their bodies are able to perform correctly to reach other goals such as losing weight, gaining muscle and strength or becoming faster and feeling better.

My results:
I sleep deeper.
I have had NO sugar cravings... AMAZING.
I have had NO desire to binge.... AMAZING.
I have gained strength and feel tighter. (Had i followed it 100% and didn't get overly excited with snacking on nuts I guarantee I would be feeling even tighter and stronger.)
I have confidence turning down food that I don't want or need.
I LOVE making healthy recipes even more than before.
I am learning how to cook for my family to eat with me as well.
I didn't beat myself up on my mishaps like i normally would (you know... oh I just ate a couple bites I might as well eat the whole pie now)

I guess you can say this HAS changed my life. I feel like my life doesn't revolve around what I shouldn't be eating but yet what I SHOULD be eating.
I plan on sticking to paleo pretty closely. I am going to try to eat oatmeal again occasionally and sprouted bread with eggs if i desire, oh AND i LOVE my baileys and coffee on Sundays! But if my body says no thanks then why force it? After all your body knows what it needs better than stupid cravings and habits from your brain.

HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!!!! Hope you are motivated to fuel your body and mind with explosive nutrition and sparkling thoughts =)

Keep yourself Healthy, Fit, and Fabulous!!

PS Use a lettuce wrap for your burger or hot dog instead of bread.... you'll feel better if you do... promise!

I topped mine with mustard and grilled veggies with a side of Kale chips... YUM!

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