June 7, 2012

4th day Whole30 + AMAZING recipe!!!

I am not a fan of this whole30 rendezvous right now. I just want to eat a piece of Ezekiel toast and a HUGE bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar and cinnamon. (mmmm) 

Oh. I'm sorry... I suppose I am supposed to be telling you how awesome this is and how great I feel... I do feel pretty proud of myself!!! That doesn't mean I do not want my rolled oats. maybe some crunchy peanut butter. OK and a little Greek yogurt with bear naked chocolate granola with added dark chocolate chips.  

Today was a little harder (can ya tell?). I was even starring at my sons grape nuts drooling. Then he tried to share! (the only time i will tell him no thank you when he tries to share...ok when he tries to share his boogers I decline those too!) 

My brother is obsessed with these french toast bagels (I allow him to pick out 3 things just for him when we go shopping, I am sweet i know) so he "shared" one with Wyatt today...well Wyatt kind of stole it from him... (they act like brothers, it annoys me cracks me up!)

 The result; Wyatt had strawberry cream cheese ALL over him and I helped clean him up... A little bit happened to be on my finger.  Immediately I go to lick it off. As i am about to swallow it i realize STOP Lallenia! I go rinse my mouth out and don't swallow it... funny right? (I am determined to do this for 30 days)

Breakfast was eggs and brussels sprouts again! (you should really try this!)
I was hungry still so after my drool session over grape nuts I grabbed some mixed raw nuts. 
I was STILL hungry, probably just cravings so I had some cherries and blueberries. I figured out if I play with my food Wyatt will help me eat the berries =) Great way to get your kids involved, i know "but my mom said don't play with your food". I honestly don't care if he does as long as he is eating it and it's going to make him healthy and strong. =)
STILL craving something after library time SO I poured a cup of heaven... after i took this picture I realized it said artificially flavored... really?? Way to rain on my parade! 

I teach cycle Thursday evenings so I try to make lunch and dinner together. You WILL LOVE this recipe... I like to pretend i came up with it because I did. I am sure there is something out there just like it but for my ego's sake it's Lallenia's recipe =) 

Oh and i am not yet a gourmet cook so if I tell you diced when it should be chopped, slivered when it should be halved, 350* when it should be 400*,  ect. I apologize ahead of time. 

Preheat oven at 350*
-Place 4-6 organic (or regular) chicken breasts or 8-12 chicken tenders into a bowl or zip lock bag with 1-2 tablespoons olive oil, natures seasonings, and extra parsley.
-Shake it all up! (get a little workout in! Shimmy shimmy shake!)
-(You can even let it soak over night for more flavor and tender chicken)
-Place in oven (i put it on a pan with foil paper for easier clean up) for 20-25 minutes

Multi task time! (if you're a mother you got this down!)

Topping for chicken (its not really a sauce?.. maybe it is...)
-Pan fry on med/high 4-6 flavor of choice organic (or regular) sausage (i love spicy) should take about 8-10 minutes
-(*Get the broccoli and cauliflower in the steamer right now--> usually takes about 15-20min for mine)
-Place sausage to the side when almost finished and cut into little pieces 
-Leave a little bit of the juice in the pan to saute the following: 
-1 white onion diced
-8 mini peppers (or 2 whole) diced
-6 cloves of garlic (my obsession)
-when they are almost done put a can of natural diced no salt added tomatoes and the chopped up sausage in to mix all together for about 5-10 minutes 

Should all be done about the same time. It took me 35 minutes from start to finish. I made enough for dinner too =) Here is the result.... It was da bomb! (I know I'm bragging.... but I'm SO proud!)

I kept looking in the cupboards today to see if maybe i am surpassing some miracle cereal or cookie that I am "allowed" to eat. 

Still nothing. 

I proceed to drink some water with lime juice in it pretending it is key lime pie.... 

My usual snack of Almond Butter and a banana or Apple (today was banana).

 I measured the almond butter... this is what ONE tablespoon looks like...

So I had 2.... 

 I mashed my banana up with the almond butter and a few walnuts because it just sounded good! And it was!! It looks gross I know. 
Yes I use Wyatt's dishes because it is easier to portion control, takes up less room in the dish washer, and he is more willing to eat it if I am.  =) 

Dinner was same as lunch! Definitely earned some brownie (I wish) points with the Hubby on this one! (go me!)

Im sooooo tired from cycle it's time for bed! 

If you've lost motivation or need a little motivation or just want to read a great article about getting in shape here ya go! 

Keep yourself Healthy, Fit, and Fabulous!!

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