November 18, 2011

Is Facebook making you FAT?

This is a question I have been pondering for a couple weeks now…
I hear ALL the time how people say they don’t have time to eat healthy or workout… but yet they can spend anywhere from 5 minutes to 3 hours on Facebook a day!! According to journalist Ben Parr the average U.S. user spent a whopping seven hours and 46 minutes on Facebook in August 2011. That’s a full 15.5 minutes the average American spends on Facebook every single day. Let you keep in mind this is AVERAGE over millions of Americans! Typically it’s between 30 minutes to 1 hour 30 min a day a person spends on Facebook.
Don’t get me wrong… I am NOT against Facebook by any means! I LOVE connecting with old and new friends, posting pictures of my little man and being able to socialize without getting out of my pajamas some nights!

 What gets me is how obsessed people can be and let it take over their health (and family). If you are one who thinks it is too much work to make a healthy breakfast yet checks Facebook first thing when you wake up… really? It takes TWO minutes to make oatmeal (when the oatmeal is cooking I make my eggs in that SAME time).  That’s shorter than one probably spends on Facebook reading peoples statuses about how their cat wouldn’t let them sleep… (if you really want check it AFTER you make your breakfast)!

Lunch hour… perfect time to go for a walk, jog, or do a couple bouts of push-ups and squats. Heck, if you know what you’re doing it’s easy to take 30-60 minute lunch break and get a killer workout in that will get you amazing results over your lunch break (and rejuvenated for work!).
(couldn't find hair tie... ha sorry for the mess! but HEY still getting those squats in!)

Dinner time… if you’re sitting there in front of a screen looking at people updates, eating mac and cheese from the microwave and a bag of chips because you “don’t have time” to cook healthy…. That’s ridiculous! It’s time to rethink your priorities!

To pan grill some chicken (from raw), boil some brown rice and steam or healthy fry veggies it takes a little under 20 minutes for most brands… this is if the chicken is cut & RAW and rice is not instant!  You can buy it cooked and just heat it up! It will take 10 min tops!  (feel free to make extra for lunch or dinner the next day!!)

Before bed….. this one completely kills me!!! I can understand updating a status or writing someone back quick, that’s OK. Yet, so many people stay on their computers or smart phones for hours at night…. The reason this kills me? These are the SAME people who don’t have time to make their meals the next day and are “too busy” to workout… um hello…. You’re on the computer til midnight you have PLENTY of time to work out, make your meals AND go to bed early so you can get up early to work out or make a nutritious breakfast!

I can guarantee that if you want to better your health in anyway… weight loss, muscle gain, tone, or  feel better in general… Use the empty time you spend on Facebook towards making healthy meals and getting in a quick workout… YES even 5 minutes! You will see improvements within a week in the way you look and feel!  
Moral of this post…. Set your priorities and stop wasting your life on what will not matter if you only had a day left on this earth…. I mean seriously who cares that one of your friends is about to get in the shower???

Keep yourself healthy, fit and FABULOUS…(that way when you DO post pictures on Facebook you’ll look damn good!!)

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